Dust collection ridgit router

I’ve had my Maslow set up for a few weeks now. I must say it’s a cool machine., but I was having problems with dust collection at the bottom of the sheet. The hose would push the sled up causing problems. Read a few post with similar issues.

Here’s my solution just created 3, 4 by 5 blocks out of 3/4 plywood with a 2.31 hole in the bottom 3rd, in makercam. Glued them together, drilled 1 1/4 hole through the long side. Screwed it to the sled.

Now the hose stays attached without creating and issue on the lower cuts


Looks great. Here is my lazy guy version.


1" sched 40 pvc sanded down to fit in ridgid dust collection (may need a couple of short screws to secure it but I may prefer it to be able to pop loose instead of possibly breaking the ridgid dust port.)
Time to create - less than 4 minutes

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That is cool and simple, probably works better since there’s no sharp angle, but I did get to play with my maslow