I had hung up my machine since 0.81 just because life was busy, and just got back to it with 0.87 and ran into some issues.
The bottom spool will no longer unwind when I pull the bottom cable out. However, after pulling the cable out an inch or so, if I feed it back into the maslow, it will feed that cable out. I think I need to take the spool apart again and reverse something. Any ideas on what component could cause this? It retracts correctly, so it shouldn’t be the spool being wound backwards, and I don’t think the feed sensor can be installed backwards.
I’m also curious why it’s only showing up now, since I was able to run the machine previously.
Here’s some background, in case it’s useful. The retract all was working, and I had completed some small cuts, and was able to jog the machine around the entire frame. I did have to take some spools apart, but I’m pretty sure that I did a bunch of work calibrating it after I put it back together (this was a few months ago, now).
There’s been a recent software change (0.85 maybe) that results in the old encoder boards not working unless they’ve got the pin on the hall effect detector earthed out properly (@bar, just recently found this with my testing)
That does sound like the encoder board issue. I can DM you a code for a free replacement (which has already been soldered) or if you are planning to make the 4.1 update that will fix it too
I put in an order for the update, but wasn’t planning on updating the hardware unless completely necessary. I’ll just roll back my firmware until it starts working, again.
I can take it apart when the 4.1 kit comes in. Thanks!