Motors running backwards on "Extend All"

Hi (I’m back),

I have a really weird behaviour. I wanted to set up my Maslow and tried to extend the belts, but the motors are only moving, when I push the belt inwards. When I pull the belts thei’re not moving. Very weird. I updated from firmwareversion 70 to 82. For the z offset I put in a negative value.

Thanks for help

I now made a full install on windows with the full-install.bat. It still doesn’t work. Somehow the encoders are sending the wrong signal. When I push the belts in, the yellow light is lighting and the spools are loosening. Perfect for tangling the belts. How is this possible? Last time I used the Maslow everything worked fine and I didn’t touch it.

There is a whole thread on this bug think it got resolved with the grounding on cap Push to extend bug?

Let us know if that thread sounds intimidating and I can send you some already modified ones!


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