First cut help with bits

Hi everyone,

I am new to the CNC topic and I need some help with choosing the right bits for my project. I would like to cut the bellow mandala and use it as a template to paint it on the wall. But I don’t know which bit I need, to make those narrow pointy parts :confused: If anyone has some idea please let me know :pray:

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The answer depends on the scale or size of the image and specifically the line thickness and spacing.

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I am scaling it to a square with 170 cm sides and I want to cut out the black stuff.

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So imagine yourself drawing that and your 170cm scale with a fine lead pencil or a thick magic marker. Maybe the magic marker is impossible to draw that with the detail. Your bit selection as far as diameter goes needs to be small enough to clear the black without overstepping into the non-black.

Your CAM software should provide a visual with how the pattern looks when cut with different bit diameters.

The other consideration is the thickness and type of material you plan to use. What is your template substrate?

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You’ll also need a lot of tabs.

This would make a great stamp, where you just need a relief carving, but it’ll take some effort to make it a good stencil.

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That was my thought as well. It’s been a number of years, but you used to get a material that was 3/4" MDF with a 1/8" stamp rubber on one side. v-carved engraving worked well in the past.

To be more precise I want to stick it to the wall and use spray to cover open parts.
I am mainly wondering how I can make this V corners. For example for cuting out elements in shape like this.

I am drawing it in AutoCad, I thought I can transfer it somehow to Maslow, which CAM software can show me this patterns?.

Regarding the thickness it doesn’t mattern I just need this to be sturdy enough, to put it against the wall. Material also doesn’t matter I was thinking about HDF or plywood.

You will not be able to cut out that teardrop shape, that is you won’t be able to get the sharp corner with a round bit. You could probably use a hand tool (a chisel, for example) to finish the sharp corners.

The bigger problem is that if you cut out all the black parts, you will separate the white parts into many disconnected pieces. That is why folks are saying you will need numerous tabs.

Actually, it matters. You want thin as possible. Easier to mill and better for a paint mask.

I would laser cut it but if you want to mill look into VBits. Check out Easel software by Inventables and play around simulating your cut with different bits and different material thickness. The software will render how the pattern gets cut into a substrate with different size bits (it will show you where you loose resolution and detail).

This v-bits looks interesting but they have a 1/8 shank and DeWalt is 8 mm. Would I be able to use them somehow?

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Not a problem — you can get a collet insert to fit 1/8”

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