My first post here… I bought the motors and electronics from maslow in june, I build a frame in the garage, bought the chains, and yesterday i tried to run the calibration process…
It was very confuse to me… Manual Calibration, Calibrate, Set chain lenght…
I dont remember where, but at some point the process mesure the chain lenght… or distance between motors… my chains are shorter (3050 mm) than de distance between motors (3200mm)
How do I run this step?.. this one where you put the chain in the left sprocket and run the motors until reach the right one… In this process the distance I entered to advance the chain dont work, I put 1000 mm and move just 100… I attache the second chain to reach the right sprocket.
next the folowing step…
I DON T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING… what thing This step do? center de sled?.. when i clik Adjust Left chain for example, it extend just 200 mm, a second click and nothing more happen … the same with the right chain… This step is very confuse to me… can I skip it and set something amnualy?.. if you can explain me…
Do you have a detailed calibration process threath? because I cant fid it…
thank you, regards