Fusion 360 Cam setup

I have created a speaker box in fusion 360 and up to trying to make a cam setup, everything was going ok. i can go through the steps of selecting the cutter (1/4in endmill), and stock( 48x48 .725in ply), and select the parts but it will not let me select the components when i try to set up contour or pocket milling. It is almost like it does not see the components. I have attached my f3d file for anybody that can help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Speaker v2.f3d (371.9 KB)

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Cant open the file now. You have switched to Manufacture space? Are you editing a sketch in the model space? Is another component activated in the model space?

By the way, there is a Fusion 360 sub catagory (so I moved it there here :slight_smile:).

Will open on a PC later but I’ll take a guess.

Under the top level Setup right click and edit and make sure you tell it what components are part of the setup. Then add a contour function under that tree.

Imagine you drew six parts and laid them all out. You only want to cut three. Tell top level setup where you set your stock size what three the operations will apply to. Then each operation you select what faces or components that individual operation applies to. Sounds like you need to go up a level and ensure global components selected first.


It seems there was some sort of bug. When i exported the file to upload to here and closed fusion, i reopened the file and cam started working. basically, i unplugged then plugged it back in. I wish all problems were this easy…

Story of Fusion’s life, unfortunately. Its a love/hate thing for me. I save and close often.

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I’m new to it myself. I’m (sort of?) pleased to hear this. At least I’m not crazy!


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