Good evening.
As above, getting back to my Maslow. I had Web control up and running several months ago and ordered the Metal Maslow sled and Z axis is I set it aside. Then of course plague and everything goes on hold.
Back to it now. started up my Pi and Web control. Working from the desk top. CPU meter stay at 98-100%, Web page doesn’t clear and refresh when switching pages, I did get the firmware updated (I think).
Controls to move the Maslow in X-Y. I think I have to change the motor direction to get Z working (motor makes noise, no movement) Prertty sure I’m not going to be able to cut with WebControl acting as it is currently
Would it be better for me to just redo the pibaky (sp) process for a new set up or is there something else I can do?
and see what is using all the cpu cycles. With webcontrol running, the two pi3’s I use typically run at ~35%. Are you using a pi3? Is the z axis bound in some way so the z is stuck? Are the pulley and motor shaft set screws tight so when the motor moves, the shaft screw moves? for a while, I had a pulley that would loosen and twice in mid-cut, the z axis motor would turn, but the pulley would not and the z didn’t move, so the cuts were all messed up. Loctite is your friend with the little set screws.
So either WebControl has settled down or accessing it via a separate device with Chrome is working fine. I put in a negative pitch and the Z axis is moving
Need to fine tune the Z-axis pitch. Getting about 3/4" movement for a 1" move on the control panel.
Yes, it does appear the browser running on the Pi was causing the problem.
As long as the IP addr doesn’t change I’m good to go with remote devices.
Pi3B I believe. probably 2GB.
Ready to calibrate and cut.
I’d guess for Holey calibration I put in a bit and fire up the router and follow directions?
Looks like I am on 0.922. Tried the update option in the Help menu with no luck.
yeah that makes sense that the local browser would make it work harder. For Holey calibration you have to flash the arduino again, but yeah, it should just work. there was a discussion recently on how to update WebControl when it doesn’t want to.
I took the easy route and just redid PiBakery with your most recent recipe. Worked just fine.
Hope to have time tomorrow evening to do a calibration run
So, just to follow up:
Everything seems to be working fine now. I just made a new set up with PiBakery and the latest recipe. User Holey Calibration to finalize everything.
Did some work to organize wires, boxes, power supply.
May have to do some re-positioning for network gear as I kept loosing connection to WebControl after I moved everything. But I have a plan.
I’ve got some 1/2" and I loaded up the work desk file from the garden. Going to try and run it tomorrow.