Got this Broken plastic piece Need helo figuring out of this part is important

I received my m4 today. Just opened it and found this thing broken.I have applied the super glue so hopefully it sticks. I am not sure if this is an important part. Please guide if I need to contact the team for replacement or if this is just fine. Also how can I contact the team about this.

Can you put up a photo of the part (just paste photo in)

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This is after superglue fix. I really don’t want to bother the team. I’ve already got a good bang for my buck! Just want to make sure this doesn’t effect the accuracy and overall efficiency. Also People who reply are the maslow team or community members. Sincere apologies for not knowing all this. Thanks for all the help.

i just reached the part where i have to insert the linear rods. I think i am good with the superglue fix

I wouldn’t worry about bothering Anna/Bar/Roman. They check in and help as needed.

Since that part is really only going to experience horizontal force and is a spacer inside a clamp, that should work quite well and not cause issues down the line. It is trapped from all sides and is just there to squeeze the rod.

You could even 3D print a replacement for all 3 with a little collar at the bottom to connect all of them, cut those off, and you’d probably be fine. Suffice to say, wouldn’t worry too much.

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thanks it worked out with the glue.