I’ve built my bolt frame, attached the hardware, built my temp sled, uploaded latest 1.19 firmware via arduino, and have installed ground control. last step is to calibrate.
And GC crashes on launch. Did some research, and saw that wiping the EEPROM helped someone. So I’ve I’ve wiped the EEPROM, and re-uploaded 1.19 Firmware. Same issue.
OK, let me try a fresh install. So I installed Arduino IDE and Ground Control on a separate laptop, same issue there.
I’ve confirmed with the Arduino IDE that I am getting good output on com3 and 57600.
Here’s the log
Connected on port COM3
PCB v1.1 Detected
error: EEPROM read fail. Using default settings.
Sent: $$
Grbl v1.00
Sent: B05
[Forward Calculating Position]
Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths 0.00, 0.00 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths)
$0=2438.40 (machine width, mm)
$1=1219.19995117 (machine height, mm)
$2=2978.39990234 (motor distance, mm)
$3=463.00000000 (motor height, mm)
$4=310.00000000 (sled width, mm)
$5=139.00000000 (sled height, mm)
$6=79.00000000 (sled cg, mm)
$7=1 (Kinematics Type 1=Quadrilateral, 2=Triangular)
$8=250.00000000 (rotation radius, mm)
$9=2000 (axis idle before detach, ms)
$10=0 (full length of chain, mm)
$11=1650 (calibration chain length, mm)
$12=8113.70019531 (main steps per revolution)
$13=63.50000000 (distance / rotation, mm)
$15=700 (max feed, mm/min)
$16=1 (Auto Z Axis, 1 = Yes)
$17=0 (auto spindle enable 1=servo, 2=relay_h, 3=relay_l)
$18=12.60000038 (max z axis RPM)
$19=3.17000007 (z axis distance / rotation)
$20=7560.00000000 (z axis steps per revolution)
$21=1300.00000000 (main Kp Pos)
$22=0.00000000 (main Ki Pos)
$23=34.00000000 (main Kd Pos)
$24=1.00000000 (main Pos proportional weight)
$25=5.00000000 (main Kp Velocity)
$26=0.00000000 (main Ki Velocity)
$27=0.27999999 (main Kd Velocity)
$28=1.00000000 (main Velocity proportional weight)
$29=0.00000000 (z axis Kp Pos)
$30=0.00000000 (z axis Ki Pos)
$31=34.00000000 (z axis Kd Pos)
$32=1.00000000 (z axis Pos proportional weight)