Groundcontrol 1.26 crashes when connecting

Hey all,
I tried to calibrate my maslow a couple of times but when finished the same error always occurs:
When GC is connecting to the controller it is shutting down.
When the maslow is not connected it is working fine. When I erase the Groundcontrol.ini file in my user file it is editing a new ini file and GC is working for new calibration process and some test cuttings (maybe 3). Then it starts crashing all the time.

I am Using GC 1.26 and also the firmware with 1.26
OS is windows (i tried multiple computers)

It is so frustrating being just about to start to get some jobs done with the Maslow, and then, after some test cutting it is not working anymore.

Here is my log file:

Connected on port COM3

PCB v1.2 Detected

Grbl v1.00



Sent: $$
[Forward Calculating Position]



position loaded at:



$0=2438.40 (machine width, mm)

$1=1219.20007324 (machine height, mm)

$2=2978.40014648 (motor distance, mm)

$3=463.00000000 (motor height, mm)

$4=310.00000000 (sled width, mm)

$5=139.00000000 (sled height, mm)

$6=79.00000000 (sled cg, mm)

$7=1 (Kinematics Type 1=Quadrilateral, 2=Triangular)

$8=100.00000000 (rotation radius, mm)

$9=2000 (axis idle before detach, ms)

$10=3360 (full length of chain, mm)

$11=1650 (calibration chain length, mm)

$12=8113.72998046 (main steps per revolution)

$13=63.50000000 (distance / rotation, mm)

$15=800 (max feed, mm/min)

$16=0 (Auto Z Axis, 1 = Yes)

$17=0 (auto spindle enable 1=servo, 2=relay_h, 3=relay_l)

$18=12.60000038 (max z axis RPM)

$19=3.17000031 (z axis distance / rotation)

$20=7560.00000000 (z axis steps per revolution)

$21=1300.00000000 (main Kp Pos)

And my groundcontrol.ini:

[Computed Settings]
distperrot = 63.5
kpposmain = 1300
kiposmain = 0
kdposmain = 34
propweightmain = 1
kpposz = 1300
kiposz = 0
kdposz = 34
propweightz = 1
kpvmain = 5
kivmain = 0
kdvmain = 0.28
kpvz = 5
kivz = 0
kdvz = 0.28
chainoversprocketcomputed = 1
fpwmcomputed = 3
kinematicstypecomputed = 2

[Maslow Settings]
bedheight = 1200
openfile =
motoroffsety = 412.7
sledwidth = 310
zaxissafeheight = 5
bufferon = 0
bedwidth = 2450
comport = COM3
macro1_title = Macro 1
sledheight = 140
macro2 =
macro1 =
zaxis = 1
sledcg = 79
macro2_title = Macro 2
colorscheme = Light
zdistperrot = 1,5
motorspacingx = 3003.5

[Advanced Settings]
rotationradius = 141.1
chainextendlength = 1650
kiv = 0
gearteeth = 10
spindleautomate = None
kdvz = 0.28
chainsagcorrection = 19.943061
chainpitch = 6.35
chainlength = 3360
propweightz = 1
zencodersteps = 7560.0
maxfeedrate = 800
enablepospidvalues = 0
rightchaintolerance = 0
enablevpidvalues = 0
maxtouchprobeplungedistance = 0.0
kpvz = 5
kdposz = 34
chainoversprocket = Top
kpposz = 1300
fpwm = 490Hz
kdpos = 34
encodersteps = 8113.73
truncate = 0
homex = 0.0
homey = 0.0
kinematicstype = Triangular
kipos = 0
kdv = 0.28
kiposz = 0
digits = 4
kppos = 1300
kpv = 5
propweight = 1
positionerrorlimit = 2.0
kivz = 0
leftchaintolerance = 0

[Ground Control Settings]
zoomout = pagedown
centercanvasonresize = 0
viewscale = .45
zoomin = pageup
validextensions = .nc, .ngc, .text, .gcode

[Background Settings]
backgroundfile =
manualreg = []

Sry for the long post. I hope you can help me.
I have already gone through some posts here in the forum.

thanks in advance.

Ei guude wie? (hessian :slight_smile: )

Welcome to the Forum!
2 files could help narrow down the issue:
In your GC folder, there is a log.txt. Please delete that with GC closed. Start GC new and run until the crash. Then upload the new created log.txt

The second file that could help is the log of kivy.
On linux it’s in a hidden folder (.kivy/logs). Can’t tell where to find it on win$.
The name on linux is kivy_{date}_{n}.txt

I hope that one of this files can give us some clues what is going on.

Gruss, Gero

I looked back at some of the “Ground Control crash” threads in the past and put together this list:

  • Where is GC installed? Do you have write permission to that directory?

  • Does your username have any non-alphanumeric characters in it?

  • I see you have propweightz = 1 in [Advanced Settings]. There was an issue with this setting being missing. You could try adding this setting to [Computed Settings]

  • You may be missing a Python library. We’ll know more when you post a log file.

  • You might also find some potential solutions here:


Also, are you running the release version or did you try to download the source and then run that?

on windows, the kivy logs are stored in

1 Like

I found the mistake.
in Kivy log file was a error message:
[WARNING] stderr: ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1,6
I canged the thread pitch of the router comma instead of a dot.
Now it is working. At the same time i changed the file of GC from “Desktop\GroundControl-Windows.Portable.v1.26\GroundControl-Windows.Portable.v1.26” to “Desktop\GroundControl-Windows.Portable.v1.26”

But i think the comma was causing the error.

thanks for the quick answer.
Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with the accuracy. I first have to mill the sled and repeat the calibration.

here the full log files for the completeness of the thread:

Connected on port COM3

PCB v1.2 Detected

Grbl v1.00



Sent: $$
[Forward Calculating Position]



position loaded at:



$0=2438.40 (machine width, mm)

$1=1219.20007324 (machine height, mm)

$2=2978.40014648 (motor distance, mm)

$3=463.00000000 (motor height, mm)

$4=310.00000000 (sled width, mm)

$5=139.00000000 (sled height, mm)

$6=79.00000000 (sled cg, mm)

$7=1 (Kinematics Type 1=Quadrilateral, 2=Triangular)

$8=100.00000000 (rotation radius, mm)

$9=2000 (axis idle before detach, ms)

$10=3360 (full length of chain, mm)

$11=1650 (calibration chain length, mm)

$12=8113.72998046 (main steps per revolution)

$13=63.50000000 (distance / rotation, mm)

$15=800 (max feed, mm/min)

$16=0 (Auto Z Axis, 1 = Yes)

$17=0 (auto spindle enable 1=servo, 2=relay_h, 3=relay_l)

$18=12.60000038 (max z axis RPM)

$19=3.17000031 (z axis distance / rotation)

$20=7560.00000000 (z axis steps per revolution)

$21=1300.00000000 (main Kp Pos)

Kivy log:
[INFO ] Logger: Record log in C:\Users\test.kivy\logs\kivy_19-06-12_0.txt
[INFO ] Kivy: v1.10.0
[INFO ] Python: v2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:19:30) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
[INFO ] Factory: 194 symbols loaded
[INFO ] Image: Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_sdl2, img_pil, img_gif (img_ffpyplayer ignored)
[INFO ] OSC: using for socket
[INFO ] Window: Provider: sdl2
[INFO ] GL: Using the “OpenGL” graphics system
[INFO ] GL: GLEW initialization succeeded
[INFO ] GL: Backend used
[INFO ] GL: OpenGL version <4.5.13399 Compatibility Profile Context 15.201.1151.1008>
[INFO ] GL: OpenGL vendor
[INFO ] GL: OpenGL renderer <AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series>
[INFO ] GL: OpenGL parsed version: 4, 5
[INFO ] GL: Shading version <4.40>
[INFO ] GL: Texture max size <16384>
[INFO ] GL: Texture max units <18>
[INFO ] Window: auto add sdl2 input provider
[INFO ] Window: virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, not docked
[INFO ] Text: Provider: sdl2
[INFO ] Base: Start application main loop
[INFO ] GL: NPOT texture support is available
[INFO ] GL: Unpack subimage support is available
[INFO ] Base: Leaving application in progress…
[WARNING] stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Users\Bar\Git\GroundControl\”, line 497, in
[WARNING] stderr: GroundControlApp().run()
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\”, line 828, in run
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\”, line 504, in runTouchApp
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\”, line 663, in mainloop
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\”, line 405, in _mainloop
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\”, line 339, in idle
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\kivy\”, line 581, in tick
[WARNING] stderr: File “kivy_clock.pyx”, line 367, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy_clock.c:7700)
[WARNING] stderr: File “kivy_clock.pyx”, line 397, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy_clock.c:7577)
[WARNING] stderr: File “kivy_clock.pyx”, line 395, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy_clock.c:7498)
[WARNING] stderr: File “kivy_clock.pyx”, line 167, in kivy._clock.ClockEvent.tick (kivy_clock.c:3490)
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Users\Bar\Git\GroundControl\”, line 336, in runPeriodically
[WARNING] stderr: self.receivedSetting(message)
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Users\Bar\Git\GroundControl\”, line 296, in receivedSetting
[WARNING] stderr: maslowSettings.syncFirmwareKey(int(parameter), value,
[WARNING] stderr: File “C:\Users\Bar\Git\GroundControl\Settings\”, line 663, in syncFirmwareKey
[WARNING] stderr: ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1,5