I have been a long time lurker here and decided I want to become part of this amazing/helpful community. I would like to ask for advice regarding this ground control error: “Oops! This gcode line has caused a calculation error, it will be replaced by: G1…”. It only occurs when I cut circles. Any advice will be appreciated.
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I would like to look at a sample gocode to see what’s going on.
How did you create the gcode?
Some of the line do not have a G in front. What program did you use?
The file seems to cut fine, as GroundControl just adds a G1 in front and lets you know.
That message has been toned down in the next release. It was put in because some CAM software creates curves using parameter values which cause calculation precision errors in the firmware. Generally these are short, very shallow arcs, so the firmware cuts a straight line to the endpoint instead of the arc. Without this ‘fix’, users would sometimes find the cut line quite different from the intended line because of those precision errors. The message alerts the operator that this substitution has occurred.
I use Siemens NX 12. The part did cut, but it pauses a few milliseconds each time the error is displayed. It results is a non smooth surface. I will look into different post of Siemens NX. Thanks I believe you directed me on the right path.