Ground control version update

Hey guys so I’ve managed to solve the USB disconnecting issues by hot glue gunning the USB to my laptop. But now my ground control is telling me the the version I have needs update but it’s already updated. When it does this it disconnects very frustrating

Any help would be much appreciated

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Hmm where did you get that firmware version? The latest version that we released should be 1.27 Release v1.27: Merge pull request #479 from madgrizzle/patch-2 · MaslowCNC/Firmware · GitHub

Eastbay source

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They are a different company unrelated to us so the may have their own firmware versions

Edit: They sell a copy of one of our old designs, but they aren’t in any way connected to us

I bought the machine second hand and the guy I bought it off told me to use them. Can I use your lastest software and firmware

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I’m not exactly sure what their controller board is like. It might work with the Maslow firmware, but I haven’t tested it.

That design is pretty old so the latest Maslow machines have moved on quite a bit. You can check them out here: