I noticed a cake icon next to my name, which signifies the first anniversary of my joining the forums. Since I joined almost immediately after bar announced their creation, so this means the new forums are about a year old. So happy birthday, new Maslow forums!
There went our family-friendly forums!
Happy Birthday Family and Friends
Hey, how was i supposed to know she was gonna jump out of there?
Today I got my anniversary badge, so apparently I joined on July 19th last year, the second day of the forums. Just for fun–I’m a data guy, so this is what I do for fun–I took a look at the recipients of the anniversary badge. There are 37 as of today, listed below. I suspect that the order of the list is the reverse order of people joining. There are plenty of people who joined later and have contributed immensely to the community, but I do note that there are quite a few very regular contributors on the list. Happy anniversary, all!
Anniversary today:
@markmandp, @terry1769, @czimm74, @walter, @SPyKER, @Mattintx, @bdillahu, @theRatchet, @krkeegan, @seware, @aluminumwelder, @Xpearler, @brandonmc, @MeticulousMaynard, @Maurice, @iRoc999, @CSwartzell, @noexit, @Ryanbmyers, @FormerMachinist, @mdcoley5, @TheRiflesSpiral, @Leeman, @ylexot, @jbnimble, @akphoffman, @jwolter, @Rancher, @blurfl, @TomTheWhittler
Anniversary yesterday:
@mrfugu, @larry, @Gero, @hannah, @dlang, @bar, @discourse
Ha! I made a list
Didn’t know I was in such august company!
Thanks everybody for all the help you’ve given me.
Has it really already been a year? Time has been flying! I gotta do more Maslowing!
Happy birthday if this thread is real? LOL
Image Source: Go-HappyBirthday.com