Having trouble after calibration

did you need to increase the current limit to get retract all to work correctly?

if you did, you need to do a similar increase for the calibration retraction
limit (in the settings/file)

David Lang

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No retract all has worked fine. And during the calibration the retracting after traveling to each point also goes fine. I don’t think this is related to what is happening, but thank you for the question/suggestion.

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T-Shirt! :joy::joy::joy: Love that!


We were both wrong. I tried today again with my other Mac with Mavericks OS and got the error:82 again :frowning: All I did was do the calibration again and at the first saving point I got the error again. Then I changed back to a Mac with High Sierra OS (10.13.6) a different laptop but same OSX version with which the error disappeared, and it disappeared again, no errors.
So it seems the error:82 is somehow related to using Mavericks OS (10.9.5) with Firefox 78.15.0esr, the errors are gone with High Sierra OS (10.13.6) with Firefox 115.10.0esr.

After calibration still more slack then I would like, even when i go up 50mm with the Z. I will keep repeating the calibration to see if it gets better.

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FYI this one seems to have reached a point where it can be documented with more than “We have no idea why this happens”, so I linked it in The Big, Bad M4 Troubleshooting Problems/Solutions Thread. If any new revelations are discovered, post them here and hopefully we’ll catch them and add them to the troubleshooting in the wiki (which I haven’t started populating).


Gijs wrote:

After calibration still more slack then I would like, even when i go up 50mm with the Z. I will keep repeating the calibration to see if it gets better.

I think you should wait to let Bar work on this. He’s also seeing more slack
than he likes and is actively digging into it. I suspect there is a missing
piece here. Bar found that we aren’t passing the Z settings to the browser for
calibration, so that is part of it for some people, he’s digging further.

David Lang

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Okay, thanks, just letting you know what’s happening over here. Sounds good.

YES!!! Finally a good robust tension while jogging XY! The latest update (0.73) seems to have fixed the slack I was still getting.
Tried one calibration as normal with the new update and it worked! Then did another calibration with the newly recommended 1500 tension setting and again it seemed to have worked perfectly. Now there is always tension on the belts while jogging in XY. Now I trust it enough to actually carve something. @bar Thanks a million for the last update I know you worked hard on it. Gotta go somewhere now but I’ll try a carve later today maybe. Will post when there are results.


A little better every week is the goal!


Don’t mean to be nit picking, but that was a LOT better this week! Thanks :slight_smile:


Took a while, had other stuff to do, and had to wait for mail order milling bit…
But here it is my first cuts! I cut a puzzle piece in three different directions to see how the measurements fit in all directions. See for yourself, I am very impressed by the quality of the Maslow4 :slight_smile:

I cut 12 times, nine pieces, but I did the first three times to get the hight right and the second two times. After sanding of the splinters of of the first 4 pieces I tried to fit them and they fit perfectly!!!


great to see, please try cutting in different areas of the workpiece (corners vs center) to see if there are any problems there (and if the pieces cut in different places still fit)

I was also wondering about that. I will try in the green area and in the red and white areas (colors according to your frame size website)

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Gijs wrote:

I was also wondering about that. I will try in the green area and in the red
and white areas (colors according to your frame size website)

it’s not just distortions outside the green area I’m thinking about, it’s also
distortions within that area. Someoen else posted images with what should have
been long, stright cuts that had a bow to them. This was a huge problem with the
first maslow, the question is how much the maslow 4 has improved things when you
have a good calibration.

David Lang

Okay, I will also try in green area and also try to cut some long straight lines in the waste board. Like an x y axis for orientation, and a rectangle around the biggest workable area with my set up to see if it is straight and how straight it is up to the edges. (and maybe beyond)

Pretty straight by eye… but when you measure it looks like it is warped a bit. Exaggerated it looks like this:

I went around in a 1000 by 1600 rectangle (same as I calibrated with, frame 3083 by 2691) with a 6 mm end mill so it should have come out 994 high and 1594 wide.
Looks like if I cut one of the puzzle pieces closer to a corner they will be 0.2% bigger in the Y direction and 0.125% in the X direction, compared to the middle. The lines straight thru the middle up and down and side to side (like cross hairs) were pretty much straight and I was able to go way beyond the calibrated area. Easily 200 mm out side it and it kept straight.
On the corner outside the calibrated (and green) area I ran into bumps from hitting the uprights by exceeding the 140º or the 130º…

All in all they looked pretty good though :slight_smile:


good info

pincushining by 2mm is worse than we hoped, but far better than prior versions. Is this a continual curve? or is it straighter near the middle?

do you remember your calibration fitness score? and can you post the coordinates from the maslow.yaml for the results of the calibration?

On the corner outside the calibrated (and green) area I ran into bumps from hitting the uprights by exceeding the 140º or the 130º

that’s not what I would have guessed it looked like, I would have expected the corners to be rounded or the line to bend from the point the problem starts, not the dips like the image shows

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Those puzzle pieces look amazing! :heart_eyes: Made my morning.

Overall I think that there are still several things that we can tweak to continue to dial in the calibration process so we should be able to keep improving :grinning:

I was totally amazed by the puzzle pieces too. You guys made a super machine!
I think there is room (and possibility) for improvement too :slight_smile:
We will get there, like you said, one step at a time.

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David Lang wrote:

On the corner outside the calibrated (and green) area I ran into bumps from hitting the uprights by exceeding the 140º or the 130º

that’s not what I would have guessed it looked like, I would have expected the corners to be rounded or the line to bend from the point the problem starts, not the dips like the image shows

I would have expected bowing out in the red areas and in in the white areas

David Lang