Having trouble after calibration

it should be regular text.

David Lang


Thanks, I guessed as much and I did. So that was not the problem. The problem is elsewhere…

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You also have the option to enter those values in your machine configuration…no need to download any files which might be easier

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I would consider deleting your maslow.yaml file and uploading a new one fresh from the firmware update page. I think that error 82 might be caused by something wrong in that file. I would generally try to avoid downloading and editing it directly because it seems to cause issue (it’s very picky…for example a space after a number will cause it to break :roll_eyes:)

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I think I tried both ways. And one of my yaml files did get corrupted so I did download a fresh one. The error keeps persisting though. I have tried both a brand new yaml file and an edited one. I keep getting the error:82. I tried calibrating over again with all fresh files (and the hand edited yaml) because when I tried jogging even the machine got confused and said maybe i should calibrate again… @bar Thanks, I will try that next put in fresh files and then use the build in config editor as you advise, should make mistakes less likely. And a question for you: Am I right in thinking that if during the calibration, after the first measurement session, the dialog says: these values will be saved for you, and then the error:82 comes up again, that it is no use going on because then the algorithm can’t improve on itself? Anyway I thought it made no sense to go on after that so I stopped the last calibration and saved the yaml file from the machine’s memory and the dialog in the message box.
Next I will try like you said with the build in editor and report after.

I’m pretty sure that the calibration process will continue like normal, it just won’t be able to write the results to the maslow.yaml file properly. You should still be able to write down the results at the end of the process and have the correct anchor point locations.

I would be really interested to see if you get error 82 after saving changes there.

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I am running it now as planned, still getting the same error each time the data os saved. Will copy the text and use build in config to enter the calibration data and let you know how it goes .

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I am going crazy, the last calibration looked well so I had high hopes…
After the calibration I put in the new data through the config items.
Had to start the machine again to get it to read the right numbers…
Then I retracted all and then extended all, but it turned out the belt were not extended long enough.
I looked in the Config (in the setup menu) to see the numbers but they seemed to have reverted back to original settings or at least closer to those then the ones I put in and that is why the belts came up short.
I feel like I am in groundhog day and getting very tired… also getting late here and tomorrow is gonna be a long day and I will not have time to fiddle with the Maslow… Probably be back Thursday. Maybe then I can try the new firmware and get the same errors:82 all over again :wink:
After the calibration I tried to look into the files in the FluidNC and found this:

That is when I had to restart to get any data to show up.

the screenshots with some weird looking data:

Screen Shot 2024-05-07 at 9.32.23 PM

The retraction force is all messed up…
Getting too tired and running around in circles.

Let’s get this error:82 thing figured out first. I think that is the root of the issue.

If you edit the config items like this:

And then save them do you get error:82?

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Yes i did that. Exactly that. Got all new files. Then edited the config like you said with the build in editor. And the results are in my last post before this one. Still error:82 each time it tries to save things. After the calibration i got the pictures shown in the post. The 3088 and 2691 numbers or close to those are my frame. The 206? and 29?? are I think the standard numbers from the yaml file. Before the calibration I put in the best numbers I had had so far. After the calibration I got the “failed 406 error” when i tried to look up the yaml file to copy to see what had happened. And when i looked at the other data in the setup menu under config I got the mess shown in the photo. I feel like I am going in circles. Can I wipe the whole thing and start over from factory settings? And another question in the files on the machine there are three files, the maslow.yaml, the index.html.gz file and another called something like preferences.jasl but differently spelled. To tired to go back to the shed and start the whole thing up again to look for the exact file name. Is that third file supposed to be on there?
Any way thanks for now, like I said tomorrow i have different things to do, so I’ll be back Thursday.

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Sorry! I misunderstood that.

This is the first thing that I think that we need to fix. Until we figure out what is going on there I don’t think that we should work on anything else.

I just tested on my machine and replacing index.html.gz, maslow.yaml, and uploading firmware.bin from Release v0.71 · BarbourSmith/FluidNC · GitHub should fully reset your machine to the initial state.

If you want to go with the nuclear option and you have a windows computer and a USB cable you can fully erase everything and fully reset it to original by running fullInstall.bat here.

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Just a short note today (no time, other stuff to do today) Thank you all for your help so far.
I did try using all new files (yaml and index) except the preference file I mentioned…

I do not have a windows computer but if nothing else works I’ll have to visit someone who does…
Thanks again, see you tomorrow.

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My setup:


This is SUCH a cool setup! I love using the walls like that

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Thank you :slight_smile: I was planning on building a frame but the roof isn’t very high and it would be max 2M high so I was still puzzling. When I was in the shed looking for building materials for set frame it came to me, I had this huge pallet laying around, used some regular sized ones for the legs and presto, all I needed was to make some wall mounts for which I used two L-profiles put like this LL so they form a U-profile and then just let a 1 cm bolt drop in.
Takes no room at all when I am not using it and it is the maximum size possible in my shed. Now it is still 3 by 2.7 meter but after I clean up a little more I will make some more wall mounts for a 4 meter by 2.7 set up and I should be able to work a whole 4’x8’ sheet.
Once I get that blasted error:82. I am thinking of a T-shirt: I survived error:82 …
Future dreams :slight_smile:


Yes something seems to have worked and I did not get error:82 again :slight_smile:
The thing is the belts still don’t have tension on them when jogging in XY the sled has play for about 5mm, I don’t think that will be good during cutting.
I only did one calibration so far but I thought it went better, at least no error:82 and the values seems to have been saved correctly to the Maslow’s memory.
I did three things different this time, i used new files from v.72 that just came out, i erased ALL the files on the Maslow first including the one I left on it before, I forgot the exact name, but something like preferences,jasl? And put fresh maslow.yaml and index on there.
The third thing I did different this time was I used a Mac with High Sierra OSX, before I used Mavericks. I am not sure which of the changes made the difference with the error messages. I don’t think it was the v.72 files since it said there was not much different about them. And I will try another calibration in the hope it improves on itself now it is saving things correctly? But I will use the Mavericks Mac again so I can tell you if that was the difference. My personal guess is that is was the deletion of the preferences file…
Anyway it still isn’t working correctly I think although the error is gone…


I think that you are right here, although I haven’t run into that before. Good catch for next time it crops up. Hopefully it won’t be such a traumatic experience for the next person that they need a tshirt :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yes I hope it helps someone too, but I still think there is way too much play in the belts for the machine to be used safely, safe for the work piece I mean. I don’t think it can be very accurate with so much slack in the belts…

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Running the calibration again should help get them tighter. I’ve been seeing more slack in my top left and bottom right belts since we switched to the new calibration system and I need to dig into what is going on there

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Thanks I will try. I have noticed that, I think it was the 21 way point, that one belt (bottom left) didn’t tighten. I know one belt can slightly loose tension, because of the shape and order of tightening at the end of the measuring point tightening, especially on the sides and corners, but that is not the effect i mean. At measuring point 21 there seemed to be more happening, maybe I am wrong and it was just the normal slack from the procedure order that was a bit exaggerated at that weigh point. I’ll run more calibrations to see if it gets better. And thanks for the mention in this weeks video :wink: