i’ve a trouble generating gcode from a particular desk design on fusion360. It doesn’t seems to have any mistakes but, when I try to generate a 2D pocket on particular area it doesn’t seem to cut that area all the way, even when the area is fully selected.
Also, as you’ll see on the file I have several bodies ( on a 4*8 plywood sheet) to cut, and when i try to do the contours, it doesn’t seem to select the whole body but just pieces of it. On the simulation it cuts all the way through.
I’ve based my calibration on fusion 360 on the video from broaudio on youtube and i’ve set the tool as precisely as I can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UbAr7VcK4U&t=859sI’ve also added the dogbone on the file with the dogbone addin you can find here https://github.com/tapnair/Dogbone
DebitBureau1.f3d (718.1 KB)
Here is the file.
Can someone have a look at it and tell me if they have the same issue on their side?