All the parts I want to cut with my new Maslow are in dwg or dxf format. I get it that I should use a decoder to transform those drawings into Gcode format.
I also get that Maker Cam can generate the G codes.
But how do I import the dxf files into MakerCam or transform them in .svg files?
You need to convert the dwg and dxf files to svg for use in makercam. You can open dxf files in inkscape. I’ve occassionally used for some files.
I’ve had quite some troubles with inkscape as of lately… I have started to use LibreCAD instead.
Open your file,
select all and start hitting the button ‘convert selection to polyline’. after that you can export to SVG.
I’m using Easel which have some trouble figuring out which lines are connected, that’s why I’m doing the polyline thing.
LibreCAD have an ‘export to makerCAM SVG’ function, so you just might get away with opening the file and then exporting it directly
If you plan at one point to create your own designs, it is worth to look into programs that can handle dxf/dwg and create gcode. Fusion360 and FreeCAD are only 2 of many choices.
The learning curve is with all and with all can be mastered.
The Draftsight solution did not wor well either.
Discovered that Easel from Inventables has an APP to import .dxf files directly. It is working for me…
avoiding having to export your design and use a separate CAM package can easily
be worth $200/year in itself, depending on how much your time is worth.
Are you looking for a CAM ? or just convert file into SVG to be ale to use MakerCam ? what motivated your choice ? What Software generate the CAD ? (DXF/DWG version).
I use Draftsight 2D to generate my CAD files. I tested the Draftsight professional on the shop PC, but obviously was to stupid and could not generate the G-Codes for my Maslow directly.
So I looked for a dummy-proof alternative yo transform .dxf to .nc. And Easel is doing the trick…
Will look into your link, though!