Maybe I need a primer - I tried to edit step 6 and made a commit but nothing. When I tried to do a final write it said I don’t have access.

What am I doing wrong?


Step 6: Attach sled to frame

Next, we are ready to hang the sled on the machine! To attach the sled to the machine pass the free end of each chain through the hole in the end of each carriage and secure it with a cotter pin.
Next, we are ready to hang the sled on the machine! To attach the sled to the machine pass the free end of each chain through the hole in the end of each carriage and secure it with a cotter pin. * Please note depending on your chain there may an untrapped end around the last link of chain, in this case it is safest to use a link the is surrounded by another (or go 1 link farther back from the end) to place the cotter pin. Unsurounded links my spread causing the link to fail and the sled to drop suddenly.

Help me Obi Wan …

Thank you

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Making a ‘how to’ video for this is on my to-do list. I’ll bump it up and get one made in the morning.


Fork, branch, change, test, test, test, commit, push, create Pull Request, watch, vote.

Fork the repository to get a personal version in your github profile for you to work in and clone or download it to work on offline.

Create a branch in your local repository to separate the changes you want to make from other things you might do.

Make your changes and test them thoroughly to make sure they do what you intend (and no more…).

Commit the changes, with a commit message that explains what is changing and why that is needed.
Push your local repository up to your github profile. That will also highlight your commit and suggest that you might want to create a Pull Request.

Look over the proposed Pull Request and add information or documentation so that others will know what it does and how to test it. If you’re happy, create the PR :+1:t2:.

Now, watch for the Community Garden Robot to do their thing - “Congratulations on the pull request” and look at the bottom of the announcement for the thumbs up/down voting tool.

Finally, the robot opens the voting with one thumbs up, and you’re certainly entitled to add yours as well. After 48 hours, if the up votes outnumber the down, the robot merges the PR.

I was working from in GitDesktop - ON PR it told me to login with another account with write access.

I did this over 24 hours ago fww - Can anyone else see the commit?

Thank you

Were you working on a fork of the repository (which you would have write access to) or on a clone of the master (which you would not)?

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For a simple edit like changing the instructions you should be able to do everything from the web if you want. Use the “edit this page” button on the community garden tab and then click the pencil icon in the upper right to edit. When you are done click the “propose a change” button at the bottom of the page

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When I tried that I was able to get to a “edit page” but not actually edit. I’d click and type but not able to see anything change.

That is when I tried the GitDesktop Method.

Thank you

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When I click the pencil icon, I get to an ‘Edit file’ page and across the top is the notice:

You’re editing a file in a project you don’t have write access to. 
We’ve created a fork of this project for you to commit your 
proposed changes to. Submitting a change to this file will 
write it to a new branch in your fork, so you can send a pull request.
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…may spread…?

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You are correct. If I could I’d edit the edit.

Thank you

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