Issues after shallow cut, possibly related to push to extend bug

I ran into an issue this evening that may or may not be related to the push to extend bug.

I ran a successful cut, left everything as it was for about an hour (router off, but M4 still powered on and located where the cut finished.) Came back, jogged to an uncut location on the sheet, set home for X/Y/Z, made a note of those values in case there were issues, then started the cut.

Everything seemed fine, but it didn’t cut all the way through in some places. I’m pretty sure that’s because there were some small offcuts that ended up between the sled and the workpiece.

I didn’t realize that it didn’t cut all the way through until I had already hit Release Tension and disconnected the belts. I decided to re-connect the belts, Apply Tension, and then try to restart the cut. When I did Apply Tension, it moved back to the center point (with significant slack, but not so much that I thought it would be a problem), then retracted all of the belts and said my coordinate system was good. I clicked the Home button, thinking it would go to the previous home point for the cut, but it seemed to overshoot that by quite a bit, so I didn’t trust it enough to restart the cut.

I released tension, removed the belts from the anchors, then did retract all, extend all, connected the belts, and hit Apply Tension. When I did, it just started spooling out belt like crazy on the Top Right and Top Left belts. As soon as I realized what was happening, I hit the stop button, but there’s so much slack on the spools now that I suspect I’ll have to disassemble them and re-wind the belts.

Unfortunately, in my frustration I just closed the browser, so I don’t have any logs.

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Which firmware version are you running? I think that this could be caused by z-axis position being off from where the machine thinks it is which should be fixed in 0.73.

This sounds like a bug for sure! I haven’t seen this one before. Does it happen every time?

I can check when I get home this evening, but I’m almost certain that I upgraded to 0.73.

The issue where it started spooling out belt on the Apply Tension is a new one to me also, I haven’t seen that happen before (or since.) If it happens again I’ll be sure to grab logs before closing the browser.

The good news is that I was able to get the slack out of the belts without having to disassemble everything, then I fully extended and retracted each belt so I knew there was no slack on the spools. Then I was able to retract/extend/apply tension, then jog to the home coordinates I had saved before starting the initial cut, load the g-code, and start the cut over. The positioning was close enough that it traced out the pattern and just cut down the high spots.

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Ok, I’ll say I’m pretty sure I’m running 0.73 at this point. Clicking Test shows:
But the UI info at the upper right shows:

And I know I was on 0.72.1 previously. Let me know if I need to re-upload the firmware.

I was hoping I had video of the issues because I was recording the cut, but just reviewed the video and I stopped it after the cut completed but before I tried to restart it.

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