Slack in one of the belts

Hi, could you help me find the cause of my cutting problems?

Before ordering the Maslow 4.1 update, the cutting results were terrible, I wasnt able to make a 1mm downcut and straight lines. Maslow was bending upwards, as if the router bit couldn’t penetrate the material. I had to change retracting force to 1800 to get one of the belts to even retract.

The frame was set at a 15-degree angle. I changed the setting to 25 degrees, but that didn’t help much.

I updated the kit to Maslow 4.1 and raised the mounting points in the upper corners so they were offset from the frame by 4cm (top right corner) and 8cm (top left corner). The problem with the cnc plane tilting in relation to the frame disappeared. I was also able to change retracting force to 1000.

After test cut I had issues with the sled bumping on defects in the layers of the matrial, so I adjusted the retraction force to 1500 to have more force to push against any material imperfections. But now one of the belts has pretty big amount of slack, and the whole sled dances all over the material.

My setup:
vertical 25 degree bed, 2.4x2.1m, Fitness: 0.66 Maslow-serial-final.log (53.1 KB)
bad quality plywood for testing(but not osb quality bad),
generic 3.175mm single flute bit,
1mm step down,
1800 mm/min feed rate,
800 mm/min plunge rate,
generic 500w spindle,
6000 rpm,

Finally my questions:
how can I check if the motor running the loose belt is working properly? can there be any other issue with this arm?
when I change the mouting position of the belt in the corners, I need to update the yaml file, adding the height to the z values?
any advice for feeds and speeds? I am not burning the material yet, but I am getting dust rather than chips, I have also 4mm and 6mm bits

This seems really high to me. After the 4.1 upgrade I was able to drop this down to 900.

This video to me looks like the spindle might not have enough power to cut at that speed. Do you see the same behavior when the machine is running the file without cutting the wood?

I don’t think that this is an issue with the arm, that slack would be caused by calibration. Running calibration again could help.

That is correct

I was also able to calibrate with the retraction force 900, but since I was not getting stable results when cutting I switched to 1500 to see if that helps with overall stability. Am I getting this wrong?

Regarding the spindle power, I know that there is a bunch of ppl here using @md8n router be gone setup with positive results.
First passes are quite fine, but when the passes go below 4-5mm deep, then maslow starts to struggle.

@bar Whats the current ‘official’ stance on the frame angle in vertical position?

I will try to calibrate again and run a test cut with 1200 retraction force, and then Ill do the same with 800w router instead of 500w spindle.

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Mine is about 20 degrees

Mine is 22 degrees, and I strongly suspect that 20 degrees is the minimum

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