Maker Cam is ovalizing my round sled

I’ve got the machine up and running and I’m just trying to figure out all the in’s and out’s. The thing I’ve run into is that the new sled cut out in an oval shape. When I looked back at the file, the svg looks fine in Illustrator but when I it opens up in Maker CAM it is slightly oval. Is there a way around this?

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I haven’t seen MakerCAM distort shapes like your are describing… The first thing I’d check is in MakerCAM…under Edit>Preferences, make sure the DPI matches what Illustrator is.

I like to put a square of a know size (like 6" x 6" or 5cm x 5cm) in my SVG file then when it comes in to MakerCAM; I can line that up with the grid and make sure everything is square and scaled properly.

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post your svg for us to look at.

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