Makerverse is now OpenSource!

We are proud to announce that our fork of CNCjs that we have named Makerverse is now opensource on github!

We would love to see as much community involvement as possible, even if its just feature requests.

Like to code? Feel free to send us a request for contributor access so we can continue to make this application be what everyone wants and needs.



So again, I think it would have been best to have retained the CNCjs git history.

What is different in this version? I see there is a widget for the M2 and you have added the M2 as a controller.

I think many of us were thinking of just writing a widget for the Maslow to add compatibility to CNCjs.

The years of this project have taught many of us the value of using as much off-the-shelf software as we can, and only taking ownership of the small portions that are necessary for our unique setup. I worry that CNCjs is an even larger beast than the firmware and ground control code base combined.

We have some upcoming PR’s that will rebase the application. The renaming is to change the build certs to our own and the support channels to us because of the customizations we have been making. We have additional features in our roadmap that are not part of the CNCjs strategy and that led to our codebase.

We will also be doing App store releases soon for the Apple app store and the Microsoft app store.

All of these things have been communicated to the owner of the CNCjs repository (Cheton) and he has been supportive of our plans with the expectation that we own the support for all of our new features and builds.

@zaneclaes has started some of the Maslow widget work, as well as adding some additional calibration methods to the application.


Fair enough, that sounds good.