Maslow kit w/Z-axis for sale - sold!

Yep - life happens.

New-in-box Maslow kit with z-axis - $450 + shipping.

Ships from Portland, OR 97221


IF this is still available ill take it PM sent

I am interested as well. I’m in seattle. Could potentially pick up.

I am also interested. Live in California. I have the money now and can send it via paypal. Would love to discuss the details with you, if it’s still available

I’m waiting for a response from Matt.

I’ll contact the buyers in order, if he passes on the deal!


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Sent a private message

Hello. I’ve been having trouble getting in touch with the people interested in the Maslow - not sure if it is a forum issue or not.

Anyway, I still have this for sale!


Hi, Is this still available?

The Maslow has been sold!

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