Need help with software set up

I have built the machine with the bolt together frame. I am ready to start it up and need some help with the computer side of the system. I do have Arduino installed but not sure how to install ground control within that control system.As i am 68 years young i don’t have the best computer skills so any help with the installation process is appreciated. Thanks in advance of your advice.


Here is the walkthru

Let me know if this gets you up to speed.

Thank you

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Let us know how its going and if you are stuck somewhere.


Are you on a Windows PC? What version of the OS are you using?

Thank you

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I have a 64 bit laptop using windows7 ultimate. I could use an older desktop 32 bit Windows 7 also I use this one for Mach3 .

I do see the arduino mega on com port11 and have checked the drivers for the arduino. Should the firmware be loaded on the arduino as a file upload or added as a library?

Are you following this?

You need to get install the arduino IDE and just upload the firmware using the IDE


Because your on Windows you can use the Windows portable version of Ground Control after loading the firmware. It’s called the packaged version here.

Thank you

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Thank you I will try it today