It seems there needs to be more than just hitting the play button lmao
Not quite there yet , but Bar is working on something that might surprise us.
The background image in GC can be used to visualize where on the sheet there is still uncut space for the next part/project.
Thanks Gero. what program will run my maslow?
GroundControl will run it… ehm…try again:
The Firmware on the Arduino will run the Maslow, activating the 3 motors driven by the motor shield sitting on top. GroundControl will take g-code (simple coordinates) and translate that to commands sent to the Arduino. The workflow for a project is CAD/CAM ->cut.
Is there like a step by step directions somewhere, maybe I’ve missed it along the way but I got it calibrated and made the calibration cuts on all 4 corners, did the chains at 12 o’clock thing and now I’m lost
Hope you dont mind me asking a bunch of stupid questions for now, but once I get going I’ll be killin it
Do you have any CAD software experience?
For a start makercam seems to be OK.
Youbooze query=maslowcnc+makercam
If your future projects are more then art and/or signboards, you will not get around starting with Fusion360 or FreeCAD or something similar. Both programs combine the design and the creation of g-code for the Maslow.
I do not mind at all. Every question is valuable feedback on what we are missing/is unclear in the documentation.
Kind regards, Gero
Makercam! That’s what was missing, thanks Gero!