One side of the belt does not move

I turned the maslow off and left it for a few days. When I started it up again, the belt on the top right arm would not extend, I tried swapping with other arms but it didn’t work. I also completely disassembled the arm and reassembled it, but I couldn’t find the cause of the failure. It is certain that something is wrong with this arm. The other arms run fine when connected to the top right arm.

Does it extend when you push in on the belt instead?

There are commands for manual control that should give you some slack to test with:

If you can get it to feed out while pushing in instead of pulling, it means your encoder is reading backwards, which is a known issue that can occur from time to time.

If you do searches for “push to extend” you’ll find lots of results of people talking about it.


Thanks for your reply, I will continue to try to control the motor manually. Also, when I push the belt in, the motor still does not respond, only the yellow light of the Ethernet interface responds, which does not seem to be the same problem as the encoder reading backwards.

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But that arm does not work fine when connected to other ports?

Yes, I tried swapping with other arms and found that this arm still does not work in other ports.

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It seems like it could be a motor issue. When you press Setup → Test what does it print out?