If one Maslow M4 is good, two must be better, right?
Maslow #2 arrived and assembled over the weekend.
Frames extended from 10’ to 12’, and a little wider too.
Maslow #2 successfully calibrated on the larger frame with .58… fitness.
Unfortunately Maslow #1 has failed to calibrate on the larger frame 3-4 times now. Not sure if it is getting tired from all the work and whatever happened to it over the weekend or what.
It’s coming up with fitness .47 after the last waypoint. Tomorrow I’m going to try 0.75 with a threshold of .45 instead of 0.5 and see how it goes.
=> @bar The software version reported in the console for 0.75 is 0.74 still?
=> Maybe some wi-fi issues running two near each other. I was getting missed heartbeat warnings during calibration every so often:
=> I changed to wi-fi channel 6, will see if that helps tomorrow.
=> I’m getting “Error 3” showing up every so often in the log:
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Zeroing z-axis position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 49]
(I did change the country code to CA before finding the channel number to change as well)
=> What is error 3? Is there a list somewhere? I can look for it in the code if not! I need to make sure my versions are matched up, firmware and yaml, etc.
=> Biggest issue (besides calibration) with trying to run 2 has been having multiple operators connect to the wrong wifi (maslow and maslow_2) and stop the other machine in progress of cutting or calibrating.
=> Maslow#1 drove off the board during calibration after getting spurious connection from 2nd computer (we think).
=> My laptop auto-connected to Maslow#2 while rebooting Maslow#1 and before I realized what was happening, clicked the ‘stop running job’ button that appeared (assuming it was still Maslow#1)…
I’ve since set both networks to not auto-connect, and when they are both running will have dedicated tablet/pc for each one. But you can see the argument for hard-wired connection too, especially if RF/EMI/Wifi situation is noisy.
Cord and hose management a work in progress, should be dialed in over the weekend.