OpenDesk files gone?

Thanks @mooselake. I got what i need. Thanks again /

Great! Where did you find it? Help out the next guy who goes looking and lands here.

Openbuilds has created a big mess. I can understand funding issues, but they could just make these files PD and post them in the usual places

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Just going to leave this here:

Not my repo, but may be useful.


Can you please send the files of Studio desk in the email ?

I’m sorry but we have nothing at all to do with opendesk. We did not create their files, do not host them, and had nothing to do with opendesk’s decision to stop making their furniture files available. Because we discussed the missing files in the past several search engines want to feature our forum, but we still don’t know how this issue can be resolved.

I suggest you copy opendesk directly and let us know how they respond.

Good Luck!

And welcome to heavyspam land. You should never post your email address in a publically searchable forum. It will be trolled and distributed to the spam for fun and profit lists and you will have a much harder time finding the emails you want to see.

I ran an ISP in the early dial-up days, when we were all young and naive. I still have my email address from those days. It’s useless, and receives hundreds of offers a day to help out Nigerian princesses, improve my, erm, marital life, and enormous quantities of junk items with extraordinarily low prices. You don’t want that…

As far as I can tell through searching, the Studio Desk is no where to be found online. There is a model on 3D Warehouse as linked above, but it appears to be a phony model that is non-decomposable. I’ve been searching for this particular model for ages and cannot find it. Contacting OpenDesk is also pointless.

If you can use a CAD program it is quite fast to use the cut-sheet from a .pdf to recreate it.

Serch for Cafe Table DXF file!

Hi Jonas,
I know this is over a year late but I was hoping if you could send me the Opendesk files that you have, I have been looking for these for months but all I have are the ones from github. Then I found your comment. I would really, really appreciate it if you could send me a link to the rest of (or all) of the files.

Hey! Could you please reupload the files?

We are not opendesk, contact them

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hello Alyx
could you please re upload the link or email the file to
thanks a lot!

We are not opendesk, please contact them. Expect to need a new email address soon after posting yours in a public forum.

Just search for “opendesk github” and you will find them.

Do you still have these plans? I would like to make this desk for my son.


which plan are you looking for specifically?


I was looking for the opendesk Studio Desk specifically.

I can’t find it anywhere. I have started trying to recreate it from the PDF but it’s taking me a while!


Unfortunately, I only have the files from GitHub - timrolls/Opendesk: Opendesk Design/CNC files

Maybe you can utilize one of those as a base.

Good luck, and ping me if you get a hold of the original Studio Desk files.


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No worries. If I find something I’ll send it your way.
