Randomly failing in the middle of a job Encoder read failure

I have 7 test projects done and I just started my actual real project. Unfortunately the Maslow 4 has quit 3 times in the middle of the job. I tried unplugging the RJ45 connectors and reconnecting. It starts back up, but fails about a minute in. Any suggestions?

error:8 - Command requires idle state. Unlock machine?
Jog: Z-0.1
Jog: Z-0.1
Jog: Z-0.1
Jog: Z0.1
Home pos set for: Z
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Right]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Right encoder, failed to read 11 times in the last second]
[MSG:WARN: Encoder read failure on Top Right]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Right encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:INFO: Reset during file job at line: 468]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop. Update function not being called enough.1002ms since last call]
[MSG:WARN: Bad connection on Top Right encoder, failed to read 1 times in the last second]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop. Update function not being called enough.1002ms since last call]

Hey bud

Yes this is an issue I also faced. There is a long thread relating to it here 15mm error while running code - #169 by NickyD

But long story short - for me (and others) it was solved by addressing the issue of static electricity generated by the dust from the machine as it cuts. I was initially using a cheap shop vac and discovered they generate a large amount of static when the dust flows through them. So I removed the vac hose but found I still ended up with the same errors - and theorised that the dust build up in the small space I was using was also heavily statically charged.

I used spare tiny bolts to attach copper wire around the sled and earthed that wire to my house ground via the earth on my power. The made up a spay bottle of home made anti static spray (fabric softener, alcohol and water) then sprayed both the machine and the air around the space every hour or so and found that this prevented more issues. Then I also bought an anti static vac hose and earthed that. A little OTT but I have a deadline. So far so good after about 20 hours of cutting

More info: No dust collector. 50% humidity in Seattle. Running outside. It was going great, now can’t run for more than a minute or two. Will try blowing out connectors again.

Have you tried replacing the Ethernet cables with ones that are shielded? I did that and also made them longer (not sure which helped me) and that has solve my issues so far. This weekend I plan to cut a lot so will really be putting this to the test.

Not yet.

Seem to be back up and running. Made 2 cuts tonight that each took about 10 minutes to run @ 30 in /min.

Tried 2 things per suggestions:

  1. Vacuumed and blew out the ethernet connections. Did not replace the cables.
  2. Used a spray bottle to mist down the surface.

Just now

And got a little further before:

And this message but it is still running, with the amount of spray and no vacuum I am using on the surface, there is no way this is ESD:

1 Like

I agree, I think that more common than static is dust getting into the encoder connections and wiggling causing them to not have a good signal. We’re playing around with testing hot glue to keep dust out and prevent wiggling right now

And now this error with the bottom left drive belt extremely loose and not at all taught:
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.042mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.065mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.065mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.088mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.088mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.111mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.111mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.134mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.134mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]

I was getting that exact error last week and so I just tested out the hot glue fix for this earlier this morning.

I blasted the encoder ports and wires with compressed air, then added a donut of hot glue on the middle of the encoder wire ends, and then snapped them into place. So far the error hasn’t shown up again and I did 2 long(hour-ish) cuts. Here is what the hot glue looked like.

of course my test is a relatively small sample size so far, but do you want to test it out and see how it goes?

I forgot to take a picture of the glue before I snapped the wires back in but here is an artists rendering of what it looked like.


Here is my take on that:

A 3D printed “Encoder boot” made from TPU. Fits snug on the Ethernet connector.

Let me know if you want the STL file.



Yes, please share the STL file.

Sent you a PM. I can’t upload attachments here (yet).

If you wouldn’t mind sharing again, I’d also like that.

Will likely augment a bit so it can accomplish the same with PLA/PETG and be a more-accessible print.

Had a chance to blow out the connectors and apply hot glue. Make it through a 20 minute cut and most of the way through the second cut. Now I get position errors:

[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.003mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.003mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.023mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.023mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.025mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.025mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.044mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.044mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.064mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.064mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 15.066mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 15.066mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:INFO: Reset during file job at line: 4952]
[MSG:ERR: Position error > 15mm while running. E-Stop triggered.]

Second attempt, failed immediately:
Jog: X0.5
Home pos set for: X
Home pos set for: Y
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 1]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 2]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 3]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 4]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 5]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:WARN: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 15mm while running. Error is 39.130mm Counter: 6]
[MSG:WARN: Previous error was 39.130mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]

Maslow Encoder Boot v5.stl (5.0 KB)

Here you go… let me know how it goes with PETG or PLA. I’d think it’s too rigid.

I also have a printed TPU set here to share if someone is interested (shipping from Canada)


Nice work! What TPU Shore hardness are you using?

Thanks :slight_smile: I used 95A