Recurring time out message in ground control

Please help, I’m setting up or the 1st time. I’ve read through many of the forum Q’s and A’s to no avail. Latest firmware downloaded, GC 1.22 downloaded. Closing Arduino before opening GC. Still getting time out message! Windows 10 user.

Welcome @flitchandgroove! GC posts this message when it does not receive the expected responses from the Arduino. Did the firmware upload to the Arduino Mega2560 complete successfully (‘done uploading’)? If so, which port was used (Arduino/Tools/Port)? Are you using the same one in GC (Actions/Ports) ?

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yes, got the upload complete msg. port com5 for the upload, then chose same port in GC then Connect.

OK, that’s all good. Quitting GC and going back to Arduino, using the Tools/SerialMonitor set for 57600 baud, you should see

PCB v1.2 Detected
Grbl v1.00
[Forward Calculating Position]
position loaded at:

This is what GC is looking for, and if that’s what you see in the SerialMonitor then we should troubleshoot the GC part of the issue.

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Thats a blank window.

OK, if at the bottom of the ‘SerialMonitor’ window 57600 baud is selected, then the blank window indicates that the firmware isn’t running on the Arduino Mega2560.
Look through the steps here to see if something was missed in getting the firmware uploaded.

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Ok, reload firmware as windows app. Updating firmware through github, no download, error msg:
Maslow:h No such file or directory

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Excellent progress!

That error message usually means that the zip file has not been extracted. Could that be the solution?

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Aha! We have liftoff! Now to reload GC and move forward. Thank you for finding my simple miss.


We’re getting good at this! :grinning:

Good work everyone!