Ridgid Router 3D printed dust collector coupler

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://maslowcommunitygarden.org/Ridgid-Router-3D-printed-dust-collector-coupler.html


I didn’t seen any instructions for this - I assume PETG is preferred, do we need rafts, supports? What % of Infill is recommended?


I just put the picture of the item at the top of the page, since the bot that creates the discussion thread doesn’t do it automatically. If the usernames match between github and the Maslow forums, these would be questions for @MichaelWhite, but he has not been on the forums for about a year.

My guesses, having never built this:
PETG would probably work. I don’t think this carries a huge load, so a number of materials probably would work.
I would put the outlet end on the printer bed and hope the angle mean that the downward facing shoulders for the mounting screws would print okay. TBH, I would consider redesigning this piece so it is more printer-friendly, but my 3D printing experience is limited.

Let us know if you build it and how it worked.

I did not use this design but printed mine in PLA with 50% infill and it’s been working for over a year now. ABS would work as well and be even stronger. ABS extruder temp 240, bed 100 and 35% infill should work. A raft my be a good idea to use as this is a tall piece.