coincidentally I’ve been cutting some test box joints today using onshape with the laser joint feature script and auto-layout feature script described here: (links in description for the scripts). export to DXF in same video, then krabzcam to convert to gcode (outside profile).
My first test cut of a couple small parts was also off by ~1mm, but I’m thinking that I just need to add some allowance in the script. The tabs seemed to line up ok for me, just too tight by ~1mm. Also noted some “pillowing” in the cuts; not sure where that is coming from either as it looks ok in krabzcam, but in looking at the onshape it could be the relief cuts the script put in causing paths to turn out funny in krabzcam:
Anyway, not sure that helps as I have similar issues but its another datapoint. I may try again with new tolerances, etc, but won’t do a full send until the accuracy is better…
There is definitely something going on here that is not just about accuracy. It looks like one of the pieces of software is using your intended tool path as the input for a smoothed cubic spline interpolation. Are there any settings for cubic spline interpolation on/off in one of the pieces of software you are using?
Frank, my response was to @ronlawrence3 - I agree that your results don’t look like a cubic spline, but @ronlawrence3 ’s results sure do, to my eye anyways.
I didn’t see any, but I also didn’t look that hard. also in krabz it looked “straight” (not that that is the only indication) I’m thinking I’ll tell it not to put the relief cuts in and do that part in krabzcam (which supports dogbones) and see what I end up with. But certainly all my parts line up ok just the tolerance being bad. Also, I didn’t mean to hijack the topic. Frank’s issue seems different than mine.