Using the default frame
(Choose A Frame Design · MaslowCNC/Mechanics Wiki · GitHub)
with non standard weights, on the ring sled, with the the recommended Ridgid
R22002 router, with Z-axis kit. Latest fimware and GroundControl (1.2.4).
My sled uses 5 Lbs diving weights which have been angularly aligned and
positioned to where the Brick’s CG was. Wish to understand how position of
weights and their weight influences movement.
There are two directions that the position of the weight matters.
first, as you look down on the sled from the Z direction, you want the weights
to be offset towards the bottom of the sled so that it doesn’t rotate under the
motor torque. The reason for this is that if the sled rotates up to where the
chains hit something, it throws off the distance calculations
The ‘Ring’ on my sled is set at ~3" above the top of sled on Z axis. Had
figuring out this height as I could not figure out clear directions. So maybe
got it wrong. The clearest instructions were found under Step 4 in “Maslow
Ring System Sled”
(Maslow Ring System Sled)
it says:
- Have I balance the sled properly?
No, you want to position the ring so that if you hang the sled by the chains, it
is balanced or tilts the top of the sled slightly forward (the chains attaching
at or just above the balance point)
you then want to adjust the frame so that the chains are level to the workpiece.
You can do this by either moving the top beam back or by adding additional
thickness under the workpiece with additional wasteboard material (consider
using foam insulation panels, they are cheaper than plywood)
- What is the minimum/maximum for sled weights?
we don’t know the minimum, we know that if the sled is around 30 pounds, it is
heavy enough to cause problems with the current motors and stock frame
- Should I change the sled balance setting in Ground control? This uses a
measurement from center of router bit to CG? How does this setting affect the
That setting does not apply when you are using the ring, that was for the
original L bracket setup.
- Should I move the motor mount beam closer to the edge of work are to reduce
the angle of chain to the sled?
yes, see above
- Could moving the sled weight closer/further to center, OR up/down influnce
accuracy when working on left/right extremes of 8x4 board?
yes, but only a bit. If the chain angles are bad, and/or the attachment is too
high/low on the sled, the sled does not move as smoothly, and may end up being
tippier than it should be at the edges.
David Lang