Fixed it! gulp-zip@6.0.0 is the culprit. to anyone reading this in the future downgrade with the command npm i gulp-zip@5.1.0
Ok so I was able to generate a new index.html.gz file, unzip it , and open it in live server. However it is stuck on trying to connect to the board.
I assume I need to add some config data to point it at the board?
Nope! I’ve seen that randomly and I just refresh the page and it goes away
Oh is this happening because it is looking for a board to connect to and my maslow board is not directly connected to the local host instance of the webui? Do you use a development board when you work on the webui stuff?
Correct. The npm start command actually just runs a python “proxy” where it serves the web app locally, but the app does rely on a maslow board to be on the network to proxy to. Simulating a maslow should actually be possible, but it would be a lot of effort and probably not worth the effort it would need…