They are not currently available, but will be in the near future.
In the meantime, you could find another motor controller board that will
control 3+ DC motors using PWM for speed (and run in either direction) and make
it work with small software tweaks.
11 ft, but you will probably want to just get a 100’ roll of chain and a chain
breaker rather than ordering a custom 11’ length (10’ is a common pre-made
length, 11’ isn’t and a pair of custom 11’ lengths from someone like mcmaster
will probably cost more than a 100’ roll from e-bay)
If you just need to break it once to get two lengths you can honestly do it with a nail and a hammer and some pliers. The chain tool is really needed if you want to put it back together. It won’t be pretty, but it will be a lot faster than waiting for a tool to arrive.
If you do want to buy one something like this will do it:
I tried the nail and hammer method, just bent links. I was trying to find a dremel with a grinder attachment, when I came across a chain saw sharpener we somehow inherited. Just ground off the rivet ends (or whatever they are called) and slid them out. Just wear safety goggles.