Hi everyone, I’ve gotten everything set up and made a few cuts no problem (gotten through calibration unscathed, knock on wood). My issue is that I’ve created some gcode through SketchUCam for a table that I’m making and the machine gets “stuck” in the same spot. I’ve looked through my gcode, and tried to mess with it a bit, but can’t find the issue. When i’ve run it through some gcode validators i’ve found online, it runs through all the code with no problems. I couldn’t find anything in searches of the forums, or elsewhere online, so thought this was a good use of my first post on here.
I’m running:
Webcontrol v 0.94 on a raspberry pi (which is running raspbian buster lite). I made a custom frame, but am running the over the top configuration for my motors. They’re ~10’ apart and the cut i’m making is near to the middle of the work area. Got a Ridgid Router and I got the sled/hardware from MakerMade. I attached the gcode here below as well. Thanks!
Coffee Table legs.gcode (13.1 KB)