Struggling to cut straight lines around tabs

Generally seeing very good cuts, but one issue I’ve seen a few times is cutting tabs on straight lines.

Here are a few pictures showing what I mean:

And here’s the gcode I used to cut these: (206.4 KB)

After cutting the tab, the line tends to curve inwards. I’m trying to figure out if this is a hardware issue, or software?

A few notes that may or may not be relevant:

  • Using krabzcam, with 0.3 inch tab height and length and climbing (too short)?
  • After doing an extend/retract two of my arms have a little bit of an error around 4 mm or so (TL and BR I believe?)
  • Additionally, I’m having a few issues with dimensional consistency between cuts (picture below)
  • All of my cuts are on a 2’ x 4’ sheet centered in the middle of the cutting area, with foam supporting the edges of the work surface, and 3d printed brackets glued to the floor supporting the foam from moving.
  • 1/4 in bit
  • Calibration fitness: 0.65
  • Firmware: 0.82

Example of dimensional consistency issue

Example of setup

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How deep are you cutting with each pass?

0.2 to 0.25 in typically:


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I would try dropping that down to .1 or so and you should get better results.

Thanks Bar, will try and report back. The team deserves a lot of kudos too, things have been far more stable in recent updates for me, no crashes or software instability in the last 10 cuts or so. Hot gluing shielded ethernet cables also may have helped!

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