Ok this one took a whole sheet of plywood to cut out with 3 major fails, 1000 recalibrations and a chewed up tension cord.
First the final pic:
The first cut started off great, but I wasnt paying close attention to it and the amount of dust that gathered up doing the pocketing threw it off course. I couldn’t figure out how to get it restarted, so bailed and started a second cut.
Second time around I was using a leaf blower (still waiting on my dust collector to arrive) and it got further but again ran into the “off by more than 15mm” error. Figured it was time for calibration, however the maslow stopped responding. Several reboots later and I was trying to get it recalibrated but it would not retract one of the cables. Ended up doing the extend/retract mambo about 5 times before it finally pulled it in. I extended them out, ran calibration, FAILED. Did it again. FAILED. On the third time I noticed one of the cables is completely chewed up by the limit. Looks like during the release/apply tension cycles the cable got pulled into the gears and chewed up. I have replacements on order, but now I’m keeping an eye on it.
Also realized that I was trying to run calibrations with the z-axis all the way up. So I reset everything, and reduced to calibration area to 1000x500 and boom back in business.
Last cut, took ages, but finished great. Its hard to tell from the pictures but I have some fuzzy remnants on the sides of the letters and pocketing was not perfect. It left some ridges on the bottom, but nothing that a little sanding won’t fix.