The Calibration Blues

I was once able to calibrate but then I think I stupidly overwrote my YAML file because I thought I’d be able to easily calibrate again. Not the case! My bottom right (BR) belt isn’t behaving. It doesn’t behave the same way as the other three belts do during Retract All and Extend All. I was only able to get it to retract all the way just now by increasing the retraction force from 1300 to 1500. Calibration still fails:

Serial Messages
Index.html Version: 0.87
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v0.87 (Maslow-Main-ec171155-dirty)]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:maslow.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine Maslow S3 Board]
[MSG:INFO: Board Maslow]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.1 Rx:gpio.2 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.12 MOSI:gpio.11 MISO:gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.10 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:Timed Pulse:4us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:0us Idle Delay:240ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (-2438.400,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (-1219.200,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 Step:gpio.15 Dir:gpio.16 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor1]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 Step:gpio.46 Dir:gpio.38 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:<SSID redacted>]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting..]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -1517.438]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -1532.866]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -1509.762]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -1530.407]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: -0.019 TR: 0.245 BL: -13.090 BR: 185.307]
[MSG:ERR: Center point deviation over 100.000mmm, your coordinate system is not accurate, adjust your frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]

Anyone see anything amiss? I’m using a vertical frame, roughly 71" high by 111.5" wide. Thank you in advance for any help.

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Can you try extending that one all the way out and then retracting it a couple of times? That can fix anything that is bound up in there

Do I use Retract All and Extend All for that, or is there a better way?

1 Like

When you have one arm behaving significantly differently than the others, you
should disassemble it and find what’s wrong. It could be that there is something
in there that isn’t moving properly, something rubbing against plastic and
generating a lot of plastic dust that then gums things up.

David Lang

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Nope, retract all and extend all is the best way

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I went to a smaller frame and I’m getting the exact same kind of problem but I have not adjusted any of the force on any of my arms. They all extend and retract just fine but as soon as I go to calibrate it moves the center position and then errors out.

Serial Messages
Index.html Version: 0.87
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v0.87 (Maslow-Main-ec171155-dirty)]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:maslow.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine Maslow S3 Board]
[MSG:INFO: Board Maslow]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.1 Rx:gpio.2 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.12 MOSI:gpio.11 MISO:gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.10 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:Timed Pulse:4us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:0us Idle Delay:240ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (-2438.400,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (-1219.200,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 Step:gpio.15 Dir:gpio.16 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor1]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 Step:gpio.46 Dir:gpio.38 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:INFO: Probe Pin: gpio.48:pd]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:Draperwireless]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting..]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
Home pos set for: Z
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -1108.179]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -1106.160]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -1179.209]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -1184.351]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 234.068]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -0.032]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.021]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -0.021]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.043]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -233.692]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset 236.473]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset 0.064]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.043]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset 0.150]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -0.021]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.054]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -236.269]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.088 TR: -0.010 BL: -57.978 BR: -64.033]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]

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This issue is caused by something funky in the math when the machine is moving between points.

Does it happen the same every time?

If you change the grid size does it still happen?

Hi all,

same here, we can’t calibrate our machine :frown

Message we get:

Maslow_blY: 2159.9
Maslow_brX: 2863.2
Maslow_brY: 2160.6
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]

And grid infos are empty:


Calibrated!! I did as @dlang suggested – I took apart the problematic arm, cleaned it up a bit, applied some lubricant to it, and, for good measure, swapped it with one of the other arms when reassembling. Now I’m in business! Thanks very kindly for your help! @dlang @bar

(Note that there are others on this thread who very well may still be having issues, of course…)


1 Like

Excellent! Glad to hear it!

And grid infos are empty:

You mean that the Machine Width/Height value changed to 0 after the calibration?
Did you ever calibrate the machine successfully, or was this one of your first attempts?

Hi Justus,

yes the machine with/high is empty.
Already did a complete calibration bud didn’t used the machine as we build a new frame.

Think this has to do something with the firmware :frowning:

Is there a solution to do a complete reset?

Even with the new frame 3000mm x 2170mm I get errors before like weak tension bud fixed it.


Hi Christian,

When you search the forum “factory reset” you’ll find some options describing a clean install using an usb cable, but maybe that’s not necessary (AFAIK there is no reason to do it the manual way unless the web interface is broken).

Your retraction force setting is very high, so you are not using the default settings right now. When you updated the firmware, did you also upload the latest version of index.html.gz, and maslow.yaml?

I finally got mine to calibrate. There’s definitely something that errors out due to the math.

Serial Messages
Index.html Version: 0.87
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v0.87 (Maslow-Main-ec171155-dirty)]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:maslow.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine Maslow S3 Board]
[MSG:INFO: Board Maslow]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.1 Rx:gpio.2 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.12 MOSI:gpio.11 MISO:gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.10 detect:NO_PIN freq:8000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:Timed Pulse:4us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:0us Idle Delay:240ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (-2438.400,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (-1219.200,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 Step:gpio.15 Dir:gpio.16 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Motor1]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 Step:gpio.46 Dir:gpio.38 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle NoSpindle]
[MSG:INFO: Probe Pin: gpio.48:pd]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:Draperwireless]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting…]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -1104.228]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -1104.861]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -1183.761]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -1188.474]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: -0.015 TR: 16.812 BL: -32.323 BR: -0.475]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 3]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 4]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 5]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 6]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 7]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 8]
CLBM:[{bl:1264.95, br:1296.79, tr:1314.08, tl:1297.25},{bl:1257.40, br:1257.39, tr:1335.04, tl:1340.67},{bl:1073.86, br:1447.02, tr:1513.01, tl:1173.49},{bl:1113.76, br:1480.38, tr:1480.16, tl:1120.32},{bl:1166.07, br:1519.18, tr:1445.27, tl:1073.83},{bl:1336.01, br:1343.47, tr:1257.39, tl:1255.80},{bl:1513.59, br:1173.46, tr:1073.90, tl:1442.65},{bl:1480.17, br:1120.23, tr:1113.25, tl:1478.99},{bl:1445.33, br:1073.83, tr:1165.31, tl:1517.68},]
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 0.9117008 in 100
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 200
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 300
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 400
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 500
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 600
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 700
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 800
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 900
Fitness: 0.9117008 in 1000

Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.911700776887583
Maslow_tlX: -2.2
Maslow_tlY: 1120.8
Maslow_trX: 2332.0
Maslow_trY: 1120.8
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 2336.8
Maslow_brY: 0.0
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 9]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 10]
CLBM:[{bl:1264.95, br:1296.79, tr:1314.08, tl:1297.25},{bl:1257.40, br:1257.39, tr:1335.04, tl:1340.67},{bl:1073.86, br:1447.02, tr:1513.01, tl:1173.49},{bl:1113.76, br:1480.38, tr:1480.16, tl:1120.32},{bl:1166.07, br:1519.18, tr:1445.27, tl:1073.83},{bl:1336.01, br:1343.47, tr:1257.39, tl:1255.80},{bl:1513.59, br:1173.46, tr:1073.90, tl:1442.65},{bl:1480.17, br:1120.23, tr:1113.25, tl:1478.99},{bl:1445.33, br:1073.83, tr:1165.31, tl:1517.68},{bl:1257.40, br:1254.02, tr:1335.35, tl:1345.42},{bl:1297.80, br:1293.16, tr:1290.09, tl:1299.30},]
Computing… This may take several minutesFitness: 1.0059182 in 100
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 200
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 300
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 400
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 500
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 600
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 700
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 800
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 900
Fitness: 1.0059182 in 1000

Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 1.005918118064006
Maslow_tlX: -2.2
Maslow_tlY: 1120.8
Maslow_trX: 2331.8
Maslow_trY: 1120.8
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 2336.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]


Because I reduced the width and the grid twice and it still failed in the same exact way and increased the calibration force, but when I finally reduced the height of the grid from being the green area Max of 250 to 200. It calibrated just fine. I will test the other grids at a less than 200 height on this same frame. To confirm that this is the problem in the math, I need to do some other testing before I recalibrate because I want to shoot some videos of all of my cutting tools.

1 Like

Devin Draper wrote:

I finally got mine to calibrate. There’s definitely something that errors out due to the math.

Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 1.005918118064006
Maslow_tlX: -2.2
Maslow_tlY: 1120.8
Maslow_trX: 2331.8
Maslow_trY: 1120.8
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 2336.5
Maslow_brY: 0.0
A command to save these values has been successfully sent for you. Please check for any error messages.
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]

a fitness of > 1 is very good

Because I reduced the width and the grid twice and it still failed in the same
exact way and increased the calibration force, but when I finally reduced the
height of the grid from being the green area Max of 250 to 200. It calibrated
just fine. I will test the other grids at a less than 200 height on this same
frame. To confirm that this is the problem in the math, I need to do some
other testing before I recalibrate because I want to shoot some videos of all
of my cutting tools.

remember that the calibration is taking belt length measurements at many points
and then trying to figure out where the anchors actually are to be to work well
with all the measurements.

I don’t doublt that there are ways to improve the math, but if your points are
outside of the green area, that means that the measured belt lengths are going
to be wrong and that will throw off the computed anchor points.

having the tension too high will also stretch the belts and cause complications,
and if the router tilts a bit due to the tensions, that will also complicate

David Lang

I agree 100% with all of that. But for usability an error that has an emergency stop like the machine is going to destroy itself over having a bad grid size is terrible user interaction if it said warning cannot calibrate due to grid size and understand. But when it only errors out after you’ve done all the steps to the point to push calibration button then goes to move from center to the next point and locks up having to restart because it’s unsafe like it was going to break itself over the size of the grid is not how you want it to interact with the user. A simple message of grid size too large. Cannot calibrate and then allowing me to go into settings and change it and then click calibrate would be a much better response than the machine is going to break itself.


I 100% agree, I 'm working on re-writing how that system works right now. The first pass was more of a “is this technically possible” version and now I’m working towards the “what’s the right way for this to work” version.

I am experiencing the same issue.
One part of the issue for me was memory full.
Try to reload running into insufficient memory.
Seek out instructions on how to clear the memory and start all over?