Hey all, I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask. Did a quick search of the forums and didn’t really find what I was looking for.
I’m excited to jump into using the Maslow4 once it arrives. I’ve got a lot of experience with 3d printers and 3d modeling, particularly in Fusion360 as well as some experience with lasercutting. I’ve been intrigued by plywood furniture for some time and have been interested in learning how to design it. My attempts to find tutorials on how to design plywood furniture in CAM haven’t been very fruitful though. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to start? While I’m familiar with F360, I’m open to learning other software. What I mainly want to learn is some best practices for converting 2d materials to 3d products as well as how to design proper joints for strength.
Thanks @aavacado and @dlang I had no idea that’s what it was called! Definitely better results than googling CNC Plywood Furniture CAD… I just get videos of people operating CNCs and assembling furniture.
Be careful people. I just downloaded the dxf file for the Divider. The drawing is wrong, meaning if you cut the pieces it has in the dxf, you will never be able to assembly the structure. Try to import the dxf file in sketchup and try to build the divider in 3D first. You will see that the parts do no fit to each other!! It will be a waste of plywood if you give the cnc this drawing.
I hope this is not done on purpose from the opendesk people…