I have a MacBook Pro that was just updated to macOS Monterey. When I try to open Ground Control I get a Notice that says it is not compatible. Any Suggestions?
move to webcontrol, groundcontrol is not really being maintained any longer.
(part of the reason is the problems of dependencies and new versions)
David Lang
@ wolffury11 You can download a new version from here
It’s been ported to Python 3.9 and upgraded.
What shield do you have?
I do not know what your are referring to as the shield. Can you tell me how I find that info?
Your control board is 2 parts: the Arduino (bottom part) and the Shield (top part). On the top part, there should be a vX.X number on it (see image below). That should be what @EastBaySource is referring to as to which shield you have.
Edit: if you can’t figure it out, just take a pic and post here and I am sure someone will know exactly what you have.
Awesome, thank you, will check it out when I get home.
Depending on what shield you have, Ground Control and Web Control may not be compatible with it
The Maslow firmware does not include support for the DUE shield.
V1.2b is this what you are referring to?
If that is what is on your shield, then yes. As for now what, I would see what @EastBaySource has to say. I was just trying to help out in getting you to which shield you had, though I think the 1.2b is an older model. I could be wrong though. Can you post a pic? That may help out for those that know a bit more than I do in helping you troubleshoot.
Thank you, looks like it is compatible. Thank you for your help. I am sure I will be reaching out more until I can grasp this setup.
the board that plugs into the arduino that the motor cables connect to.
David Lang
Yes, the 1.2b shield is an older model from a different vendor and is fully supported in the Maslow firmware