Trying to put together a custom tripp trapp. Im having some trouble… my cuts on the perimeter starting from around the 4th pocket and above are arcing. Not sure if its 1.06 (just upgraded.) Called for chain re calibration and when completed, my sled was around 9 inches low. Wondering if I need to completely recalibrate my machine. Or maybe its my .nc although it is showing up correctly on gc.
This is today on Manjaro-linx, FW1.07, GC1.07, counter clockwise cut.
I’m not sure it is related, will open a discussion on Troubleshooting.
Thanks @Gero !! Also, was short in height by around 10cm for me
It sounds like something is going on because you guys are both seeing this behavior now.
Can either of you say for sure that this issue is new and not something which we just haven’t noticed before?
@bar Ive never seen it before, neither on my machine nor in forum.
So it sounds like we’re dealing with a new issue
Yes sir. Minor bump in the road will try to go back to 1.04 when I get home and do a trial run. Valuable lesson learned yesterday… do a trial run after version upgrade, especially on costly 1inch baltic birch (b/bb)
Here is the video of the velocity change. Excuse the dust, my hose decided to stop up as I saw this was going on
@clintloggins, would you be able to take a picture of the wasteboard from the piece you cut? I’m wondering if there was a profile cut after the piece was finished, particularly upwards.
@Gero’s cuts have this profile, and it roughly matches the expected radius from the motor that is moving outwards.
Sorry the video link was from my business google drive, switched to personal so should work now.
@rjon17469 the wastebard is a brand new piece of foam. Will check my old board when I get home.
My apologies @clintloggins, I meant the board the piece was cut out of, but wrote wasteboard by accident. A picture of the remaining piece of baltic birch would be perfect!
Can’t seem to load the video
Ahh, google issues!! Please let me know if you cant see, will try something else.
Put some shoes on!
Hah I had just kicked my Bastad Troentorp Picaso(steel toed) shoes off… look great W shorts btw, not!!!
The dropbox video of your laptop screen is working. But nothing of the cuts. This is all I see:
Perhaps I am doing something wrong or have my settings weird? @madgrizzle is apparently not having the same issue
The video is not working in the Forum. The dropbox shows GC, and not the sled.
Sorry @Gero , I should have specified. The video is of GC showing the velocity slow down.
@Keith the link should work below the blank video screen.
Designer steel toed boots?
If I tried that my hooves would be frozen to the floor until spring