Why is this difficult? Erg!
Fresh install of Minty on a laptop I can dedicate to my Maslow. Ground control install was long winded and fiddly on my old machine so I’d like to try Webcontrol. Still long winded and fiddly but a bit more modern looking.
-Followed install instructions https://github.com/WebControlCNC/WebControl
-made webcontrol executable
-launched webcontrol. It shows up in task manager as webcontrol/webcontrol
-entered /localhost:5000 in firefox and get "File not found.
What have I missed?
Do I need to follow the Linux Autostart procedures or are they optional?
Thanks everyone for your hard work on the code.
-killed processes webconttrol in taskmanager
-renamed /webcontrol/ to /webcontrol092
-created new dir webcontrol
-downloaded and extracted webcontrol0.94 to webcontrol dir
-executed webcontrol, confirmed with task manager
If you run webcontrol from a terminal, what messages does it show? It sounds like it isn’t loading completely
I installed it on my “L” ubuntu server (minimal ubuntu setup just upgraded to 18.04 version) that runs kodi from an ssh terminal and it looks like this when I start it:
the controller is the maslow via USB. ( you probably know this). Try the ip address of the machine. I’m not connecting from the same machine, so I’m not getting the error. I’ll go down and try it in a second. if you webserver is trying to connect to the maslow via usb though, then the server is on.
So it looks like webcontrol is running. I have output at the comand line and it shows up in task manager, twice actually (is that normal?). But the web browser doesn’t find the localhost file.
One of the great features of webcontrol is that it runs as a webserver and as such can be loaded by a phone, by another laptop, or tablet to control your maslow or by the machine connected to Maslow.
A couple quick questions because maybe I didn’t ask good starting questions. Here’s a couple and hopefully some entry-level information.
Is webcontrol running on the machine connected to the maslow?
webcontrol must be on the machine connected to the maslow or it will never do anything other than look for the controller (arduino mega that actually moves the motors). It sounds like you have this part working, but if it isn’t finding the controller, you either need to plug it in or get to the web page and tell it where to find the controller… probably the second one.
Is the web browser running on the same machine connected to the maslow?
the web browser will only open the local host page if it is in fact running on the local computer that webcontrol is running on. Local host isn’t a file, it is a reference to the machine you are using. If you are using webcontrol remotely over the network, then you need to find the IP address of that machine. If it is linux, you can do an config command from a terminal window and it should list out the ip address for the different interfaces. or you can click on the network icon on the screen somewhere looks like two boxes connected or a wifi symbol
and then if you click on the “connection information” item
look for the IP address. in your browser, put the ip address and “:5000”
After a mighty reboot…
entering the ip address you suggested
I have success!
Thank you a ton!
My original question still stands, why is it this complicated?
Will entering this ip address in my browser always work?
How did you get the above ip address?
I’d really like to run my machine on UGS if I can.
on most all machines, the localhost term is a self reference that sends the network to the “loopback” adapter that lets you use the machine you are on as if it were a server. The ip address tells the computer to look at itself. It is the loopback adapter. click on the link above I shared and it explains it better.
If you run webcontrol from windows, it will automatically start a web page in a browser once it starts running. Linux doesn’t hold your hand like that as much. Local host works on my ubuntu machine, so it might be a minty thing. Honestly I don’t know for sure why your particular setup didn’t just work.