What did you cut today?

Played with the Maslow today; experimenting with Voronoi diagrams. Lots of tear-outs on the side facing down in this image (up while cutting). Maybe higher quality plywood, & thicker webs, would help? + 0.5" Z wasted a lot of time on transits. Will use 0.1" next time. Pretty happy over all, considering I had to update firmware, wipe eeprom, re-calibrate, re-work chain tension system (bungees failed, maybe due to -28F under tension?) to get this thing to cut after ~1year without use.


I thought it was much bigger until I paid attention to the square lol. Those webs are pretty thin…it totally can be done though. Better quality plywood makes a huge difference. Sled speed also is important to detail/tear out.
An upgraded z axis with a faster ratio makes the experience a whole lot more fun :wink:

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I really love it.
How did you generate this design?
I am really interested :slight_smile:

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3/4" poplar this time. No tearouts :slight_smile: the design is my own take on a voronoi pattern from a script I wrote with some random number generator for cell placement.


Finished this last night. I was thinking of putting a frame around it but after the beeswax I kinda just liked it the way it was. The boarder cut is slightly misaligned. The blank moved a bit and i didn’t realize it until it was too late. I used a V bit and Ball nose bit.


These are all gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with us :grinning:

Hello Maslow’ians!

Today I finished my Ludo game in time before Christmas :cowboy_hat_face:
I am not 100% happy how the Epoxy came out because there are some tiny holes, the result of bubbles.
Next time i might have to work with a heat-gun (hope this word exist).
Also the cutouts aren´t round, I calibrated again after this cut…but I love it anyway :smiley: :smiley:


That looks gorgeous! Congratulations on being done with a few days to spare :grinning:

That is exactly the word :+1:

These all look really good. I cut my first 2" calibration mark before the breaker tripped and cut off the router and the vacuum, but not the CNC… it kept going, so when I turned it back on, it was at the second cut and I powered just the router back on in time to cut it.


Looks great! You can vacuum the epoxy (10-15min) before pouring it. Its hard to do though sometimes if the epoxy has a short working time.

The meaning is “happy new year”



Wowza, that came out nice and crisp. Very cool!

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Looks great! What is your process for painting the letters? Do you carefully paint in, or paint the letters and a bit past and then sand off the excess paint?

That’s right.
My process is
1, cut.
2, Urethane coating. *
3, paint past the letters.
4, Remove excess paint.
*: Prevents color from bleeding into wood.


How you cut these ? i also want to…

Thanks. Do you then apply more urathane?

I bought these plans on etsy, (here) they are not free but they were really good.
It took several days to cut, and once they were cut they required quite some sanding and filing (is that the right word) to get all the pieces to fit, but that wasn’t the plan’s fault. But i love the results, and so do the kids. Sinterklaas brought them (kinda like santa, but the original one, and we put shoes out instead of socks)



That came out wonderfully, what kind of wood did you use?