Lazy sunday morning cut

Old dining chairs?.. what to do with it?

I think my son is going to love it… The old lady is not that enthusiastic about it. :slight_smile:


That’s fantastic! I like the seat adjustment holes. I think the old lady is just jealous. Better make something nice for her next!

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This is so cool!! Great work!

I am curious about some of what I’m seeing in your image of the cut still on the frame.

Specifically in this area:

It looks like the Maslow struggled a bit with this bit. It may look more extreme in this image than it actually is, just curious if you noticed anything that stood out while it was cutting that section and how far off from expected the cut ended up being.

Obviously assembly doesn’t look like it was greatly hampered and the build looks great (to the extent that I’m now considering doing something similar for my pair of x52 HOTAS units), I’m just trying to put as much into my brain as possible that might help my own cuts come out better when I do more flat-pack style cuts like this one.

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Hahaha, yes that was an error. The tool setup was set to only one pass of 18mm… this was to much for this type of plywood so the maslow tipped up with plunging in. So i hit the big off switch, did the hang dance again, set the toolsetting to 3 passes of 6.5mm and after the cut i did another run for that failed part.

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Love it!

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That’s actually really great to know that it’s something super clear that caused the failure. Makes me feel a lot better about spending on the nicer sheets I was planning some stuff for.