Why does absolutely nothing work

Is anyone having issues with getting this thing even started, I’m tired of taking the belts on and off, having to decrypt useless error messages, and unable to upload any NC code.

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I’m sorry to hear that! Give us a bit more specifics and we’re here to help.

Can you copy and paste an error message that you are seeing?

Bar wrote:

I’m sorry to hear that! Give us a bit more specifics and we’re here to help.

Can you copy and paste an error message that you are seeing?

where in the process are you when this error happens?
what firmware version are you running?

David Lang

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There are so many things that go wrong, I’ll list them tomorrrow. First of all, when I go to do anything it says my yaml file may be corrupted. I try to update to the latest firmware, but it stays at V0.83, even though I am following the directoions. I get Cannot load WebUI while moving
Retry Retry (you must first wait for motion to finish)
Feedhold Stop the motion with feedhold and then retry, but it is not moving. I can sometimes control z access but no movement on x and y, I’m constantly told to retract before doing anything, I don’t even put on the wing nuts anymore because I’m tired of redoing them over and over. When I eventually can run a file it plunges striaight down and bottoms out over and over, I could go on, I would really like to contribute to making the instructions better, as I feel others may have the same or worse results. I have hundreds of hours running several CNC machines and have even built my own, I’m shocked at how bad this is, if you help me, I wuold like to help make this a better product, tomorrow is my last day before I smash the living daylights out of this thing. Please help

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Chris Kotelmach wrote:

There are so many things that go wrong, I’ll list them tomorrrow. First of all, when I go to do anything it says my yaml file may be corrupted.

you need to upload a new maslow.yaml file before anything else will work.

I try to update to the latest firmware, but it stays at V0.83, even though I am following the directoions.

This si a bug that was identified just after .84 was released, due to how the
releases are being made, the version reported is one older than it really is.

I get Cannot load WebUI while moving Retry Retry (you must first wait for
motion to finish) Feedhold Stop the motion with feedhold and then retry, but
it is not moving.

I don’t understand what you are saying here.

I can sometimes control z access but no movement on x and y, I’m constantly
told to retract before doing anything,

after you power on, you need to retract, extend, hook up, and tighted before the
machine knows where it is and can do anything. (and then calibration before you
can move around)

I don’t even put on the wing nuts anymore because I’m tired of redoing them
over and over.

When I eventually can run a file it plunges striaight down and
bottoms out over and over

that sounds like your CAM program is putting a G38 homing command at the
beginning of your gcode,

, I could go on, I would really like to contribute to
making the instructions better, as I feel others may have the same or worse
results. I have hundreds of hours running several CNC machines and have even
built my own, I’m shocked at how bad this is, if you help me, I wuold like to
help make this a better product, tomorrow is my last day before I smash the
living daylights out of this thing. Please help

it sounds like you are running into a bunch of things, and it’s not clear from
your report which ones you have worked through, and which you are still

People here will help you, but we can’t see your machine, so we will ask a lot
of questions to figure out what state your machine is in.

David Lang

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to add further clarity, you only have to calibrate the once (if you get a good calibration result), then you can just do the mounting workflow (retract, extend, mount, take slack), which is required after every power cycle

it is very helpful to also have a hook, bungie, or chain to hold the carriage in the center of the frame while you mount it, which greatly reduces how frustrating it is to have to do so every time you start it up

based on the yaml comments, I would expect that many of your issues stem from that, as it is foundational to basically every other function and process and would explain the level of “doesn’t work” that you’re seeing

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Let’s start with just one issue and fix that and then move on. I think that trying to solve too many things at once is going to get confusing.

@dlang, they are talking about the window that pops up if you try to connect to the machine through a web browser while the machine is jogging or otherwise moving. You get a white screen with two buttons saying that the machine is in motion and you can click retry (if the motion has stopped) or the second button (Freehold Stop) is supposed to stop the machine, which should then allow you to connect in the web browser.

I don’t think this is a bug. When the machine is working on moving, it will not allow new connections through a web browser and will give you the window asking you to retry connecting or to stop the machine (though I think when I’ve tried the stop button did not actually stop the machine and it still finished the motion then finally allowed web browser connections again). That being said, whatever browser was connected when the movement started should still be connected unless the window was closed (or lost connection) for some reason. Once the machine has finished moving, it should allow new connections again. I’m not sure the reason for this, but I assume it is a processing issue.

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Andith wrote:

@dlang, they are talking about the window that pops up if you try to connect to the machine through a web browser while the machine is jogging or otherwise moving. You get a white screen with two buttons saying that the machine is in motion and you can click retry (if the motion has stopped) or the second button (Freehold Stop) is supposed to stop the machine, which should then allow you to connect in the web browser.

I don’t think this is a bug. When the machine is working on moving, it will not allow new connections through a web browser and will give you the window asking you to retry connecting or to stop the machine (though I think when I’ve tried the stop button did not actually stop the machine and it still finished the motion then finally allowed web browser connections again). That being said, whatever browser was connected when the movement started should still be connected unless the window was closed (or lost connection) for some reason. Once the machine has finished moving, it should allow new connections again. I’m not sure the reason for this, but I assume it is a processing issue.

ahh, I haven’t seen this reported before. We’ve had significant problems with
things going wrong when you lose connection in the middle of the cut, so the
fact that it’s not going crazy and the biggest problem is needing to wait until
it finishes is actually significant progress.

David Lang


Machine is not moving yet I am presented with this constantly, then I shut the machine of and have to do the whole belt retract and extend again, and again, and again


Oh, I didn’t realize that you’re getting that message even while the machine is not trying to move. That is definitely a problem.

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I haven’t seen that happen either. Can you walk through the steps on how you get there starting from the machine is powered off with the belts retracted?

That error message is a FluidNC thing that I have only ever seen when trying to re-connect to the machine while it is in the middle of running a gcode file.

I’m getting this now:

“[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:ERR: sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x0x102]”

when i try to turn off the alarm it gives me this:
error:152 - Configuration is invalid. Maslow.yaml file may be corrupt. Turning off and back on again can often fix this issue.
error:152 - Configuration is invalid. Maslow.yaml file may be corrupt. Turning off and back on again can often fix this issue.
turning off and on again does nothing. same problem over and over.

I followed the yaml file according to the video posted on the maslow youtube

I replaced the yaml with one from github and this is now resolved

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This is the serial when I try to calibrate:

[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.178 TR: 0.189 BL: 201.185 BR: 146.637]
[MSG:ERR: Center point deviation over 100.000mmm, your coordinate system is not accurate, adjust your frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Frame size error, try entering larger frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]

Chris Kotelmach wrote:

I’m getting this now:

“[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://maslow.local/]
[MSG:INFO: SSDP Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:ERR: sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x0x102]”

This is a fatal error, you cannot just turn off the alarm and continue.

This can be caused by one of two things.

  1. a temporary glitch that power cycling normally clears
  2. an invalid maslow.yaml file that’s not giving the proper information for it
    to find the SD card.

If ppwer cycling doesn’t clear this, upload a current maslow.yaml file.

If that doesn’t clear it, you may have a failed controller board, @bar or @anna
will help you with that.

David Lang

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how do I deal with the calibration fail:

[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.178 TR: 0.189 BL: 201.185 BR: 146.637]
[MSG:ERR: Center point deviation over 100.000mmm, your coordinate system is not accurate, adjust your frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Frame size error, try entering larger frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]

Chris Kotelmach wrote:

I replaced the yaml with one from github and this is now resolved


on to the next bug.

David Lang

Chris Kotelmach wrote:

This is the serial when I try to calibrate:

[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.178 TR: 0.189 BL: 201.185 BR: 146.637]
[MSG:ERR: Center point deviation over 100.000mmm, your coordinate system is not accurate, adjust your frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Frame size error, try entering larger frame dimensions and restart.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]

what is your frame size (distance between anchors) and what did you enter during
the calibration?

David Lang

I didn’t enter into the config as I was following the youtube video and entering directly into the yaml seemed to cause the previous issue. perhaps the videos are out of date.

I’ll enter the size into the config but not directly into the yaml?