X axis and Y axis dimensions not the same with Maslow 4

I thought I had seen another post that talked about this, but couldn’t find it.

Cutting a slot that another piece will fit into. The overall length in the x direction is short. This pic shows how the piece should fit into the slot, both were machined in the x direction.

When the slot is machined in the y direction, it is longer (and the correct measured length). See this pic:

Otherwise the machining it quite good. Surprised at how straight of a line it can machine.

Is this what a calibration issue would look like? Something else maybe?

Also, what is the max speed we should try running this at? I stuck with something slow (26 in/min), but would like to speed up if possible.


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Ed Williams wrote:

Is this what a calibration issue would look like? Something else maybe?

yes, that is what a calibration error would look like

Also, what is the max speed we should try running this at? I stuck with something slow (26 in/min), but would like to speed up if possible.

are you creating powder or chips? if you are creating powder, speed up, if you
are getting a bad surface, breaking bits, or the sled is tipping, try slowing

David Lang

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Well this was just mdf, so pretty much all powder. Just wondering what the rated max speed was of the machine.

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Ed Williams wrote:

Well this was just mdf, so pretty much all powder. Just wondering what the rated max speed was of the machine.

something like 100in/min (2500mm/min)

David Lang