Z axis tension project

So time for an update. I mounted the hardware to the final sled, performed the upgrades indicated here http://maslowcommunitygarden.org/Inexpensive-add-ons-for-z-axis-slack-imprecision.html. I used JB weld to attach the bushing to the carrier by putting scotch tape on a 1/2 inch bolt, putting the JB Weld on the bushing and sliding the carrier and the bushing onto the bolt to keep it straight while it set. I installed a washer above the bottom mount for the lead screw but didn’t like how much tension it was creating on the lead screw. I ended up lightly sanding the washer with 600 grit before permanently installing it to lower the tension so that I could turn the lead screw by hand. I was worried about the extra tension raising the resistance on the motor and controller. I sprayed the bottom of the lead screw and washer with graphite dry lube.

I cleaned up the grove in the router base and sanded the entire inside of the base down to 600 grit. Before I put the router back in the base I sprayed it down with dry lube as well. I didn’t want to use anything oily as it sould attrack the dust created by the router. Pictures here What did you do today?.

If you install the bushing be sure to check the safety height in on your tool paths like in makercam so you don’t accidentally run the bushing into the top of the lead screw.

Here are the cutout pics from the project above. I chipped out a little bit of wood removing the tabs.

Here is the inteded installation, the router hat needs some minor tuning to fit all the way down on the top but I am pleased. This was a pretty ambitous detailed project for my first.

I’m not worried about testing the calibration anymore I think it is pretty much dead on.