Z-axis won't move after reassembling my machine and updating to 0.70

I’m not sure what might be wrong. I had my machine apart to install a replacement belt and add belt guards to all four arms. I reassembled today and updated the firmware to 0.70.

I was able to retract the belts but I can’t move the z-axis. (I do have Alarm turned off.). When I try to move the z-axis, either up or down, the fan will run briefly but the steppers don’t move. I tried moving the lead screws manually while the power is on and they would not move (and the steppers are hot). When I remove power the lead screw moves freely.

There is minimal information in the log but the SDMMC error makes me suspicious something isn’t right and who knows what effect it might have. (By the way, I’ve rebooted the machine several times and the SDMMC error occurs every time.)

Serial Messages
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:ERR: sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x0x102]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Caution: Unlocked]

@bar - any ideas what I should check?

One final note - when the power is applied, I heard a low hissing or wind noise from both of the steppers. Is that expected?

I 100% know what is going on. There is something corrupting your maslow.yaml file and so the machine isn’t able to load the information on which pins are connected to the SD card and the stepper motors.

Deleting and replacing that file should fix it.


Thanks @bar - I really appreciate how fast you respond. That was it - I’m up and running now.


@bar, what parts of @Bob_Craig’s message led you to “100% know what is going on”? I want to bottle some of this knowledge!

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This error message or “error 152” indicates that FluidNC hasn’t parsed the configuration file properly. I’m not sure why but it seems like occasionally when saving to the configuration file things get messed up. I’ve also seen it happen when using the “restart” button within the FluidNC settings panel.

I haven’t found a way to force it to happen (if we could reproduce it reliably we could probably fix it quickly), but a full power off and back on seems to fix it for me.

Just an FYI, I’ve been seeing the [MSG:ERR: sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x0x102] error intermittently with 0.70.2, and had it clear itself on a restart, or multiple restarts.

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