Z-Axis Zero changes when Circular Sled is Started

If I’m understanding what its doing and all settings are set properly, and I were in your shoes… I would try it lol. but first, I would get out the calipers and double check the pitch measurement to be accurate. only (.1) of variation made a noticeable difference in depth when I was messing with mine. I don’t have the rigid router so measurement is different but its worth double checking. remember, “measure twice, cut once” :cowboy_hat_face:

This is how I understand the code…

During the calibration process, you are asked to define zero on the z-axis. In the modal, you set the height of the router bit to zero and press “Define Zero”. This issues a "G10 Z0 " gcode that sets the current position of the zaxis as the zero point in the controller. Once you press “Done”, the modal closes and you come back to the calibration step that let’s you set Z-axis to zero. You then press “Define Zero” on that page to move to the next step. However, when you press “Define Zero”, the code issues another “G10 Z0” followed by a "G00 Z.25 " (assuming you are in inches). The first line sends gcode to the controller to set the current position (basically, it gets set twice for some reason) and the second line tells the controller to raise the zaxis 0.25 inches. This puts the zaxis to a safe height. This happens before you press any buttons on the next page. Does the z-axis raise to 0.25 inches when you do this step?

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I know nothing. I don’t have my Maslow yet. I know nothing of arduino.
Are you putting a minus sign in front of your cut depth?
Nothing personal, nothing condescending, just something I would forget to do


One other thing to check is your CAM program and where the zero is defined on that. If your zero is defined in the CAM program as the bottom of the stock, and the actual stock is thinner than the CAM thinks it is, then you could end up with air cuts. The issue with the CAM thinking that zero is at the bottom of the stock is that all the cuts will be in the positive Z-axis area, whereas with the Maslow having the zero at the top of the stock, all of the cuts happen in the negative z-axis area.

So, what is sounds like to me is that you are defining zero properly, then running a g-code program that was set up with the zero being the bottom of the stock.

Hopefully it’s that simple :confused:
Edit: I just looked at the g-code, and that does not appear to be the issue, unfortunately. The g-code clearly shows negative z movement. I am still stumped.


A month later and I’m back at it, with no progress to show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j18Mu8G8hTc&feature=youtu.be

I have to admit I’ve been avoiding this thing because I’m extremely frustrated that I can’t make a single cut. Attached is the Sled GCode from the Assembly Guide. sled.nc (145.2 KB)

Currently working on v0.16 installed today. Apologies for the lack of light on the router bit, Approximate height above the wood is 1". It starts within a 1/16" when I press “Define Home” then “Done”. Z-Axis Safe Travel is set to 5mm.

It looks to me like the traveller hits the end stop before the motor stops, around 0:35 in the video. See the shaft turning but the traveller unable to move. That’s how the orange ‘locking tab’ gets damaged - not uncommon, see here. In practice, the traveller should live in the center of the lead screw and never come near the end. It can be a chore to move, especially once it has crashed, and I often forget to remove the bungee cord before moving it, but it’s important that the traveller never reach the end of its range of travel.


The tabs aren’t expensive - $2 or $3 - and the shipping is often higher than the part. Search for ‘Ridgid 513396001’ Look for a vendor with the parts in stock, many list them as ‘special order’.


Ok, replacement parts ordered. I took it apart previously and it looked fine. Once I receive the part I’ll make another attempt and get back to you. Thanks.

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Seat your bit in a little further and it wont top out like that.

Oops, replied to the wrong person.

Hmm, If it raises okay, I would think it should lower just fine. Seat your bit in further, define zero and try again.

My tab started to round over one of the edges that sits in the router groove and was continually popping out. Doing the below picture took out the slop and allowed the tab to get more surface area on the groove edge

Trying to help. So if I’m wrong, don’t crucify me. What about adding a Move to Z 0 after the initial move to the first plunge at the start of the file? Like this? See if that helps? May not be a ‘fix’ for everything but another diagnostic step, may allow you to at least get the sled cut. Also still new to G-Code, but this edit in a simulator shows it dropping the bit back down to zero before plunging it another .1 but if someone could check my work appreciated.

(Generated by PartKam Version 0.05)

G20 G90 G40

(profile 1)
G0 Z0.5
T0 M6
G0 X9.3247 Y15.4283
G0 Z0.0 <— added this
G1 Z-0.1 F30
G1 Z-0.1 F30


Your added gcode does exactly what you said. it’s a good skill to be able to add gcodes into a file to tweak it for things like this. :+1:t2:


I had this same issue when I setup mine a few days ago. My issue was a loose z axis motor cable. My z axis position shown in ground control kept jumping back to ‘0’ . During the cut it buried the bit into the wood still showing ‘0’ in ground control. Sounds simple but it is worth checking. I used a small flat head to push the connector into the motor.

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Hi, Sorry I just got my maslow setup and running a few weeks now… I faced similar problems but overcame them all without any replacement parts… I hope you finally got it it running otherwise I’ll walk you through - as my experience has made me a “Super-Maker”. I thought i could never conquer the auto z-axis, but today it’s quite easy. Should you need additional help do not hesitate to contact me. I went the unconventional way… Cheers!

I’m having a similar problem with Z-axis that may be variation on theme. If I turn off the Z-axis feature everything works fine (sled centers, initial calibration cut as expected). During the initial calibration run with Z-axis motor enabled, the Z-axis seems to work fine when raised or lowered and define zero appears to work. However during the initial calibration pattern test cut, the Z-axis motor runs while the sled is moving. As sled goes from center to upper left, it continuously raises the router until the orange tab stop “tops out” and chews up the plastic coupler I’m using. I’ve run through the calibration process multiple times and everything seems great until initial calibration run, where the sled motor seems to also drive the Z-axis motor. Any suggestions?

Do you have access to a 3D printer? There is a replacement to the Orange tb that can be 3D printed? What version of ground control? Is this a stock Z setup? Can you send a picture of your Maslow?

Thank you

Yes, I have access to a 3D printer. The issue isn’t the Orange router lock tab, that part is still in great shape. What protected the orange router tab from damage is the plastic shaft coupler I am using to connect the motor to worm screw. I 3D printed several shaft couplers (based on a posting I found on forum) and when the Maslow reaches top of worm screw the shaft coupler takes the beating.

Other than using a plastic shaft coupler, it’s a stock Z setup and I’m using 1.26 GC. The sled chain motor controllers work perfectly when tested with Z-axis motors disabled (it cuts initial calibration measurement test pattern with no issue). The Z-axis motor also works perfectly (raise, lower, define zero, return to zero) when tested during calibration (with stationary sled)…

The problem - during the initial calibration pattern test cut (starting at sled centered), the Z-axis motor initially raises the bit as expected. However, when the sled motors engage to move sled to upper left corner, it also turns on the Z-axis motor to raise the bit. So while sled moves up to left diagonally, the bit just keeps raising until it “tops out” the worm screw after about 15 seconds. It’s like the Z motor is somehow being turned on by GC turning on the sled chain motors.

when you start the calibration process, you want the Z to be at 0, just at the
top of the workpiece. If you have it higher, the maslow doesn’t know this and
will still try to raise it.

David Lang

It is starting with Z at zero. When the initial calibration cut is started, it raises the bit a little further (which is expected) and then it stops Z motor momentarily. However, when chain motors start up, the Z motor turns on again and starts raising bit further (and further, and further). As long is sled is moving towards the upper left corner, it’s continually spinning the Z motor in the “raise” direction. In my case, the orange tab tops out well before it gets to upper left corner and my plastic shaft coupler shears.

Did you separate the z-motor wire from the power cable of the router?
I think to remember similar reports with noise on the Z causing unpredicted moves.

can you clear/delete the groundcontrol.log file and do this from scratch
(hitting stop before you break the coupler), the Z axis should not be moving as
it’s going to the top left.

David Lang